God seems very fair to me..

For examp, when he was about to zap Sodom, Abraham was worried in case decent men would get caught up in it as collateral damage, so he said to God-
“May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten [righteous men] can be found there?”
God answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it" (Genesis 18:32)
But obviously there weren't 10 righteous men there, so God wiped it out because it was a cesspit of perversion.
Same with other tribes and peoples, he had to cull them out of the human race too, to improve the human gene pool.
PS- the Sodom gays were the very worst kind of gays, nasty, vicious, militant, for examp they hammered on Lot's door demanding he send his male guests out so they could have them. Thankfully not all gays are like them; many are decent nice people.