@Frank Apisa,
We start from different axioms, I can see that.
I start from the 'guess' that the creator is a God of love and that suggestions to the contrary must have a logical explanation. That took study and soul searching and continuous motivation on my part. All along, I have known the danger of 'wanting to believe', so I have had to constantly check my 'results'.
I have found that the ones who 'guess' as I do are fully in harmony with John 13: 34-35, having love among ourselves. Not that love does not exist as a matter of
inborn conscience among all people. But, among JWs, the contrary lack of love is characteristically rare. All I need to do is participate with my brothers and sisters in any event to provide a touchstone, If you get a chance, visit one of our international conventions, just as an observer. Not only will you observe the love I just mentioned, you will also not observe a single scrap of trash left behind at the conclusion. There is truly no other group that meets the standard to the last.
In the world, violence against fellow believers is not considered unusual. Rather, 'collateral damage' is seen as somehow necessary. Show me another group and I'll study their message as thoroughly as I have the Bible.