I have never denied that Jesus (the body) was a creation of the Eternal Spirit (Father). I have always agreed that Jesus (the body) is the product of the Father (the Eternal Spirit). What you cannot see is that the Father is indivisible.
In order for Jesus to be the son of GOD (of the Father) He had to have the same spirit in Him. Jesus said Himself He was not of this world but came from the Father (the Eternal Spirit). He was referring to the Spirit in Himself. Everyone of us humans are body and spirit. In Genesis God (the Eternal Spirit or the Father of us all) breathed the breath of life into Adam and He became a living soul. All men and women are products of the breath of life from the Father (the Eternal Spirit). The father is the father of us all.
Jesus said I and my father are one. What would that possibly mean? That there are two eternal spirits in the heavens? and that one was the Father and the other was the Son? If that were true where is the MOTHER??? God is one not two. Read the whole Old Testament and you will find that the LORD GOD JHVH is ONE not two or three. He states more than 400 plus times that there is no other GOD beside Him and He will not share His glory with another.
You just cannot separate the spirit from the flesh--here in lies your confusion. Jesus was the only pure human sacrifice because He was God in the flesh. Jesus said there is none perfect but GOD. Then how could Jesus be perfect sacrifice except He be that GOD in flesh? Where did Jesus' spirit come from if He were not God? Did it come from Mary? impossible because she was flesh and earthly. The spirit that dwelled in the body of Jesus Christ was the eternal God of all the ages.
The Jews understood this that is why they wanted Him dead. He was blaspheming GOD--or claiming to be GOD. That is why I said earlier that Jesus was either God in the flesh or a complete liar.
The Trinitarian doctrine of the Catholic Church is sourced from paganism and it is evident by there practices and beliefs today. They are the ones who created this triune godhead--not the early church.
I have tried to explain it to you several times but it evidently is not registering because you all think or have been taught there are three persons in the God head or if you are Jehovah's Witness then Jehovah and Jehovah Jr. only.
No matter what translation you read, you will find that GOD is one not three. Jesus's body was a creation of the Eternal Spirit in which He dwelled to in order to bring redemption to mankind. The question today is have you received the Holy Ghost into your life? Have you been covered in the blood of Jesus? DO you accept Him as the ONLY Savior of your soul?
It is one thing to talk about this and it is another to apply it to your life. When we all die we will be met by Jesus Himself where He will judge each of us according to what we have done in this life. If we don't have His blood covering our sins then we will be in a precarious position. We must apply His blood to our hearts today while we have a chance.