Quote:If Jehovah is God now, He has been all along.
1. This is not true. 'Before' Jehovah there have been Amun Rah, and long before that Mother Geb (this is the most distant 'event horizon' of known written evidences).
2. If Jehovah is God as a result of the transliteration of JHVH (from Latin) there has been no Jehovah before the appearance of the Latin ... and JHVH ... at earliest in the late Ancient period (5th c. B.C.)
3. If there has been God before that, there is no guarantee that this God and Jehovah are one and the same being ... or super-being or whatever.
4. We don't know what/who God is, let alone of what He/She/It is capable ... and how much omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent He/She/It might be.
5. With or without God, right now we are in a deep sh't, and it is much more important to specify how deep the sh't is ... and how far it may go, intead of making speculations of who is God ... and who He/She/It might have been.