Sun 25 Aug, 2013 12:59 pm
My No. 2 Son doubts anyone uses his real name so I'm wondering if a study has ever been conducted that might reveal just how many of us hereabout do so
Walter uses his full name, and I have met him too often to doubt it is his real name. My first name really is Roger.
Thanks Rog. I am especially interested in anyone using his full name
I use my real name. First name: Butrfly. Last Name: Net
Thanks Rog. Well that's two
My real name is nothing like Contrex (a brand of bottled water - I happened to have a bottle on my desk when I needed to choose a user name). it's a sort of ordinary name like Martin Jones or Peter Wilson or Steven Johnson.
the site owner uses his full name...
@Region Philbis,
My screen name is a long story, but it's not my real name.
My real name is unpronounceable.
izzythepush wrote:
My real name is unpronounceable.
Did you hear the one about the bloke having an eye test? The optician says "Tell me the letters on the lowest line on the chart you can see clearly" and the bloke goes "P - R - Q - X - Z - Y - W - blimey! That's the bloke that did my bathroom!"
And then the optician said "Can I have his phone number?"