Sat 24 Aug, 2013 04:32 pm
First of all, thanks in advance for reading this long post and answering my questions!
Ok, here’s the deal. It’s been a month now since I’ve been feeling a dull ache and sometimes pain in my left testicle. Often times the pain will shoot through my left leg and groin. Sometimes, after running or doing some activity, the pain can increase and become constant. There are also times were I have no pain at all.
A few weeks ago, I went to the doctor to get it checked and he immediately scheduled me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound was pretty thorough. It lasted approximately 15 minutes. After the ultrasound was done, I was sent back to the doctor’s office where he diagnosed me with a Hydrocele. He said hydroceles are caused when the tubes through which the testicles descend don’t close properly and fluid leaks to the testicles. He prescribed me some antibiotics as well as painkillers for the pain, and told me to schedule an appointment with an urologist. He mentioned nothing about a tumor, or a possibility of TC, just that I should schedule an appointment with an urologist to get my testicles checked.
I didn’t buy the antibiotics or the painkillers because I was short on money at the time. I did make an appointment with an urologist, but the closest they could schedule it was like 3 months from now.
I did some more research on the internet about hydroceles and was happy to find out hydroceles are not dangerous, but not so happy to read they can be caused by a tumor. Also, what the doctor told me could be a possible cause every reputable website I consulted only listed said cause for pediatric hydrocele, never for hydroceles in adults.
I still get the dull aches and pain, with varying degrees, but I noticed today my left testicle feels harder than the right one. Not sure what word to use (whether slightly or significantly) all I know is that it is enough to be noticeable.
A few websites I consulted listed this as a sign of TC, and that got me worried again. On one hand, if there had been a tumor the doctor would have seen it and would have told me about it. From what I’ve heard, ultrasounds are pretty accurate when used for these purposes. I also did a testicular exam on myself searching for hard lumps and, from what I could feel, I didn’t find any. My left testicle is also not any larger or smaller, and there are no other visible abnormalities. On the other hand, now that I think about it, the whole process was fairly quick. It took less than 1 hour for the doctor to see my ultrasound and diagnose me with the hydrocele. I‘ve read other people report it usually takes a few days from the time the ultrasound is performed to the time the results are out.
Well, that’s all I guess. I want to know how worried should I be or whether any of you know any other reason one testicle would become harder than the other.
If I were you I'd crab walk to the nearest doctor.
Better a bit of embarrassment, or even to have one ball, than an over early measurement for a pine overcoat. Get to the doctor.
Well, yes, that's the thing. I already went to the doctor. I'm waiting for an appointment with an urologists.
Internet self diagnosis is not a good thing.
lenmarg wrote:
Well, yes, that's the thing. I already went to the doctor. I'm waiting for an appointment with an urologists.
You are understandably anxious. I should have read your post more carefully. You have seen the doctor and if there was anything to suggest a malignancy I believe you would already know and be starting treatment.
A few years ago I was getting breathing difficulties and I got a stubborn chest infection that would only go away with potent steroid treatment. My doctor sent me to the local hospital for a chest X-ray and arranged an appointment for a week after that took place. I was anxious about lung cancer since my mother had died of that when I was a teenager. When he saw me the doctor said the X-ray had not been very informative. He noticed I was anxious and said "What are you worried about?". I told him and he said "If the X-ray had picked up anything even slightly suspicious, the radiographer would have been on the phone to me before you had got home from the hospital and I would have called you in straight away." It turned out I had asthma.
Thanks for that reply. I assumed you had not read my comment thoroughly, but I did find your warning very...scary. lol.
Well, I assume you are right. I should have asked my doctor more questions to put my mind at ease, but after having to pull my pants down in front of a lady radiologist, quite frankly, I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I'm glad I did it, thou. As embarrassing as it was, it beats worrying about it for days or finding out you have cancer when it's too late and feeling the regret of not having gotten yourself checked when there was still time.