Cyracuz said:
Quote:Actually, the guy on second place had a better win rate than you. If you both had played an equal number of games, he'd have beaten you
If, if, if...

Fact is he only played 97 games then cracked up and fell by the wayside whereas I stayed the course and played 146.
In real life he'd have got ashore on D-Day and got to Paris before running out of steam, but I'd have gone on all the way to Berlin..
"Just keep driving down that road until you get blown up"- Gen. George Patton
PS- He's a serving soldier in the Greek army, and other contenders are also in the armed forces of various countries including USA.
A couple of contenders are older than me (I'm 65) but the majority are aged about 30 to 50.
When they take potshots at me on the cyber battlefield, I think "you're gonna have to do better than that, sonny!"..
Incidentally, I topped my first wargame league 10 years ago (below), i'm kool..