Frank said:
Quote:My being a replicant or robot is not in the realm of reasonable consideration.
How can you be so sure God and Jesus existed and yet question your own existence?
1- As open-minded truthseekers and philosophical explorers surely we shouldn't draw a line of "reasonable consideration"? Perhaps it's our
duty to fearlessly cross it and push the boundaries just as scifi authors and scriptwriters do, "where no man has gone before"..

(Incidentally another intriguing Star Trek TNG episode (sorry i don't remember its title) was when Crusher keeps seeing crew members disappear one by one. For example she mentions Worf to Picard, but Picard says "Who is 'Worf'? We've never had anyone of that name on board"
It turns out that her "reality bubble" is slowly shrinking)
2- Ah but nobody knows what "existence" means. All I know I exist in this "reality" or "dream bubble", along with Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Elvis etc..
PS- If our reality is a dream, we could regard Jesus as a Master of the Art of Dream Manipulation, bending the laws of physics at will to produce what people regarded as "miracles".
He also said WE could do it to, so in that respect perhaps prayer is a form of "thought-pressure" that can bend "reality" to some extent?