Fresco, some of your wording in this last post of yours illustrates the problem I have with your position.
Quote:The fact that some philosophers historically cared to dabble in a hypothetical state they might call "reality" (or what Kant called noumena)…
Why do you assert that REALITY is a hypothetical state?
It MAY NOT BE hypothetical at all…and MAY BE totally independent of what Fresco chooses to suppose about it.
Quote:…has largely been superceded by those who realize the impossibility of access to such a proposed state.
This constant appeal to authority, even couched as cleverly as this one is…is preposterous. If EVERY philosopher alive were to subscribe to the position that “access to such a proposed state” as REALITY is IMPOSSIBLE…that would not make it impossible.
They, it appears, do not know access is impossible…and neither, it appears, do you. You and they do not even have access to all sentient beings that MAY exist…and do not know the capabilities of these other possible beings.
Many sentient beings MAY have access to truths you cannot even imagine, Fresco…and so too MAY whatever comes after the evolution of Homo Sapiens completes.
Quote:And scientists are quite happy to avoid any references to "reality of entities" being content with "elegance"," utility" or "what works" within a particular explanatory paradigm, subject of course to perpetual revision.
Some are. Some aren’t.
I am not as disposed as you to call upon them as authorities on these questions…but prefer to work on them myself.
There is nothing absurd about questions anent REALITY, Fresco...except in your mind when it suits your purposes.