hawkeye10 wrote:
I believe that the american people should never be lied to by the american government, so if the american government says that there is only non specific chatter
about a threat then that damn well better be the truth.
You can always vote with your feet, if that is not correct. There is no "iron curtain" in the U.S.
I don't mind being lied to, since I believe that similar to the masses not able to accept the truth, relative to our finite existences, with no afterlife (nor everlasting soul), giving religion a free-pass to lie to its respective flocks, I also believe the masses cannot feel comfortable possibly with the needs of America achieving its goals. By the way, the U.S. is a nice place to live, but not everyone is equal in their beliefs as to the purpose of the U.S., in my opinion.
But, if you want to stamp your foot in umbrage, enjoy.