Thu 1 Apr, 2004 03:32 pm
While I am a freelance photographer, majority of work has been for one company and they use my photographs for publicity on there Web site. Recently asked to do some other work and would like to know a guideline I may use in determining a price.
It will be interesting to lean about this also. I was asked to submit photo's for a Stock Photo.
Welcome to A2K
Okay, heres the thing.
#1. You certainly arent going to sell your image for unlimted use.
#2. Define the usage as well as they type, size and any other matter that needs to be taken into consideration.
#3. What are you willing to go for?
I did a quick search and came up with a pretty nice list of someone elses...maybe you can get a handle on it from there.
Here's a site that has some standard pricing and options