Since the oil companies are all trying to screw us I thought I'd look for tips on using less gas that don't involve riding the bus or walking to work.
The secret is all in your driving habits. For example, did you know you actually save gas by using the cruise control? It's the constant slowing down and excelorating that uses up the gas. Since the cruise control maintains an even speed you aren't waisting gas.
The following link actually shows how much gas is waisted when you drive over 60 mph: I thought it was interesting.
I've never been one for driving slow, but I'll stay under 60 if it'll save me 15 cents a gallon at the pump. That's the most convincing incentive I've heard to date. Safety, who cares... Money talks!
Also, don't drive with excessive junk in the trunk or in the bed of your pickup. If you don't need it for the trip than take it out.
Time to get an oil change and a lube job! A car that is well maintained consumes less fuel.
Combine your trips. Instead of running to the store a couple times a day, save it all up for one trip at the end of the week.
There's more, but there's a few things you can do to fight the prices at the pump.