No, the History Channel IS rubish, full stop. He who listens to them and give credence to them will lose his sanity. Always.
I've been at Gizeh, and seen plenty of evidence that ancient Egyptians built the three pyramids there all by themselves, and zero evidence of aliens.
The problem with guys like you is that you're incapable of marveling without hitting the "god button". You see an ancient marvel like the Gizeh pyramids, and boom! you press the alien key. You see a marvelous universe, and boom! it must be that there are gods all over the place...
These are knee-jerk reactions to marvels.
I marvel too, but without losing my mind over it; without seeking refuge in a god because there are things I don't understand, without invoking aliens each and everytime I find something counterintuitive. I love mysteries more than facile, superficial explanations, i guess.