The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Mon 31 Aug, 2015 03:34 pm
This question was long ago settled, according to Florida law at the time if Zimmerman said it was self defense unless the state could prove otherwise. The state could not, therefor factually Zimmerman fired and killed in self defense, which makes it a good kill.

I think the law sucked, but I did not write or vote for it, nor did I vote for those who did.
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 03:37 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
I think the law sucked, but I did not write or vote for it, nor did I vote for those who did.

Innocent until proven guilty is one of the bedrock principles of our legal system.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 03:39 pm
You dummies don't get it. He wasn't found innocent, he wasn't found not guilty: he was "no billed".

Because Zimmie was the only witness and he had his story and he was stuck to it.

He'll go too far and sooner rather than later.
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 03:40 pm
Innocent until proven guilty is one of the bedrock principles of our legal system.

Unless you're Trayvon Martin. Right?
0 Replies
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 03:49 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I would say the biggest tactical threat was Martin standing over Zimmerman and punching him, or it could have been the initial sucker punch that put him on the ground. Prior to that there had been no physical contact by Zimmerman and all the physical evidence backed Zimmerman.
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 03:53 pm
Baldimo wrote:
I would say the biggest tactical threat was Martin standing over Zimmerman and punching him, or it could have been the initial sucker punch that put him on the ground. Prior to that there had been no physical contact by Zimmerman and all the physical evidence backed Zimmerman.

That's the essence of "black lives matter". They want to be able to beat people to death with no repercussions.
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bobsal u1553115
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 04:00 pm
And you'd be wrong, Ace. It was the murdering **** who shot a teenager armed with Skittles and iced tea while the teenager was standing up and backing up, and the murdering piece of **** with the fire arm was standing up, too. What in the world kind of deadly threat was he?

The "stand your ground law" is the only thing that saved his murdering piece of **** life. A few years ago he'd be in jail, and he'd never get away with it now. The scumbag racist piece of worthless crap.
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 04:05 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
They were both standing? You sure about that? Physical evidence such as bullet trajectory disagree with your "facts". How many lies are you going to tell about this case?


The medical and scientific evidence shows that Trayvon Martin was leaning over George Zimmerman when the neighborhood watch volunteer fired the fatal shot into the unarmed teenager’s chest, a forensic pathologist testified Tuesday.

Dr. Vincent Di Maio, an expert testifying for the defense, gave a version of events that was consistent with the defense’s theory of the deadly confrontation between Zimmerman, 29, and Martin, 17, on Feb. 26, 2012, in Sanford, Fla.
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 04:19 pm
Baldimo wrote:
They were both standing? You sure about that? Physical evidence such as bullet trajectory disagree with your "facts".

Don't forget all the witnesses who saw one guy on the ground being pummeled as the other loomed over him.

Baldimo wrote:
How many lies are you going to tell about this case?

I put the little bugger on ignore as soon as he started launching horrendous attacks against me (for merely pointing out facts I might add), but from seeing other people's responses to him, it is quite clear that Bobsal is a serial liar.

He'd likely tell his own mother that he was an orphan.
bobsal u1553115
Mon 31 Aug, 2015 09:10 pm
The guy with the pulled piece was being battered by the kid armed with Skittles and an iced tea. That makes sense to you?

The Tea Party has some advice for you:

Tue 1 Sep, 2015 09:54 am
@bobsal u1553115,
The only person that needs to get a brain is you. You continuelly lie about this case and have some really interesting mental gymnastics you have to go through to make this case what it isn't.

You early claimed that Martin was just walking and was shot. You then claimed that they were both standing up, and now you say he was attacking Zimmerman because he had his gun drawn...

So which was it Bob? So far the only thing that you have said that is true of this case, is the names of the people who were involved. The rest of your "facts" are just made up.

I'm going to guess that you still think Mike Brown had his hands up and said don't shoot?
bobsal u1553115
Tue 1 Sep, 2015 12:19 pm
Here's one thing I'm not making up, dummy, if that murdering racist scumbag had sat in his car with his dick in his hand instead of the pistol, he wouldn't have murdered a kid eating Skittles and drinking iced tea in a neighbor he had as much right to walk in the late afternoon as the murdering racist scumbag did.

Because eating Skittles and drinking iced tea in your own neighborhood isn't a freaking capital offense. And Zimmerman had no right to bolster up anybody for any reason at all. If he'd have stopped me I'd have tried like hell to stick that piece up his keister.

But lets face it. He'd never stop me. I'm bigger than him and he honors my white privilege card.

What is it you just don't get?
Tue 1 Sep, 2015 01:32 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Ok Bob more misinformation is all you got. Your own bias shows in how to talk about this case. Even though it has been proven Zimmerman isn't a racist, you still claim him to be. Was this due to the BS tape editing that took place in the news?

Here's one thing I'm not making up, dummy, if that murdering racist scumbag had sat in his car with his dick in his hand instead of the pistol, he wouldn't have murdered a kid eating Skittles and drinking iced tea in a neighbor he had as much right to walk in the late afternoon as the murdering racist scumbag did.

I'll start with this. You get corrected on your incorrect facts and I'm the dummy? Look in the mirror bud.

It wasn't his neighborhood, it was his dad's girlfriends neighborhood. So he didn't even live there, he was visiting and he wasn't known in the gated community. So you are wrong when you say he lived there. That is wishful thinking on your part.

Because eating Skittles and drinking iced tea in your own neighborhood isn't a freaking capital offense. And Zimmerman had no right to bolster up anybody for any reason at all. If he'd have stopped me I'd have tried like hell to stick that piece up his keister.

Zimmerman had every right to bolster an unknown person in his community. There had been a high # of break in's in the community and he saw someone walking through he didn't recognize and didn't live there.

So you like Martin would have started the violence? That's good know.

But lets face it. He'd never stop me. I'm bigger than him and he honors my white privilege card.

What is it you just don't get?

I don't get how you make up things about this case to fit your own hate of Zimmerman. You fell for the BS racist **** from the git go.

What don't you understand about this case, is that it isn't ok to just attack someone because they are following you. The first person to physically act against the other was Martin. I guess attacking people for no reason is a theme for you.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 1 Sep, 2015 05:38 pm
Look, you want to ignore this one fundamental series of facts: that ******* racist piece of garbage was the one in total control of the whole episode. He was the one who confronted a minor walking in a neighborhood the kid had every right be in eating Skittles and drinking iced tea. The racist murdering son of a bitch who was told more than once to NOT approach "the suspect" (have you even listened to the tapes? I have) by 911 and told to stay away from him because the cops were on their way.

If I approach you in the development you live in and start to hold you "for the cops", and maybe flashed a piece or even pulled one, would you stand still for it? How about I do it to your kid in between Skittles and iced tea gulps? That dirty racist murdering psychopath had total control over the whole situation and he chose to kill the kid. Or we can pretend that kid was doing what you'd do in the same situation and got himself ******* murdered defending himself, just like you know you'd risk in the same situation.

Seriously: how can you defend that creep?

Don't you ever think that if Trayvon had a piece, got the drop on that POS racist murdering SOB, that Trayvon would have gotten off on "Standing" his "ground"?
Wed 2 Sep, 2015 10:53 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Bob, Trayvon didn't live in that neighborhood! What part of that don't YOU understand?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 2 Sep, 2015 02:47 pm
No but his father did with his girlfriend who owns the house they shared.

Even if he didn't, is trespassing a capital crime?

I think I'll stop your kid walking home tonight to see if he has papers authorizing him to be in your neighborhood. I'll have some welding glasses on, he'll look like a minority to me and I will of course ignore 911's instruction to not approach him and wait for the cops. Be sure he's wearing his hoodie.

Skittles and iced tea on me.
Wed 2 Sep, 2015 02:58 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Even if he didn't, is trespassing a capital crime?

No but attacking and trying to killed and or do serous harm to another person can get you killed.
Wed 2 Sep, 2015 03:01 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
No but his father did with his girlfriend who owns the house they shared.

On the day he was fatally shot, he and his father were visiting his father's fiancée and her son at her town home in Sanford, Florida.


Nope wrong again. His father didn't own the house, the girlfriend owned the house and they were visiting. This was a gated community and Trayvon was an unknown person walking around in a neighborhood, that had a lot of break-in's and thefts.

Even if he didn't, is trespassing a capital crime?

He wasn't shot because of where he was, he was shot because he thought it was ok to attack Zimmerman for following him. It isn't against the law to follow someone. Never any mention, on purpose on your part, about Martin attacking Zimmerman. When you do mention it, you make up scenario's that justify Martin attacking Zimmerman. You are a man who supports unproved violence. It's no wonder you are so against the police and throw parties every time one is killed.

I think I'll stop your kid walking home tonight to see if he has papers authorizing him to be in your neighborhood. I'll have some welding glasses on, he'll look like a minority to me and I will of course ignore 911's instruction to not approach him and wait for the cops. Be sure he's wearing his hoodie.

My son is a minority so your welding glasses won't be necessary. You can make up these fake ass idea's all you want to, but it doesn't change the fact that Martin started the fight by throwing the first sucker punch.

Papers in order? See you are making **** up again to try and prove a point you can't prove by any of the available evidence. If Zimmerman was so bad, why didn't the DOJ get him? It's because they didn't have **** on him and he was justified to shot the attacker. If he had violated Martins civil rights, they would have his ass in jail. They cleared him and dropped the investigation.

Face it Bob. You have nothing but untruths and lies to support you. You can't even get the basic facts about the case straight.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:41 pm
Only after the murdering racist bastard son of a bitch started it, if the adolescent with Skittles and an iced tea did anything more than try to run for his life.

You keep forgetting that.

If I as a private citizen braced you for your ID and proof you belonged in the neighborhood and tried to hold you allegedly for the cops while waving a piece, wouldn't you like to get away from me? Wouldn't you maybe think I was a criminal or nuts?
Wed 2 Sep, 2015 05:53 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You are assuming evidence that doesn't exist. Zimmerman was waving is gun around? Nothing in the witness testimony shows Martin was running for his life. He was being followed and didn't like it, so he thought he would teach that "creepy ass cracker" a lesson. He started a fight and got shot. The only evidence of racism was from Martin. I'm guessing your racist evidence was the tapes NBC doctored to show Zimmerman was a racist. You took those tapes as truth. Looks like the media got to you and you fell for it, hook line and sinker.
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