The State of Florida vs George Zimmerman: The Trial

Mon 22 Jul, 2013 04:00 pm
@cicerone imposter,
A 76-year-old Milwaukee man who said he was seeking justice when he shot and killed his teen neighbor after accusing the boy of burglary was sentenced Monday to life in prison with no chance of parole.

An what does that story have to do with Zimmerman right of self defense AND that a jury had already found for him?
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 04:01 pm

Punching someone who has been menacing you, by following you in the dark, and putting you in reasonable fear for your life--particularly if you are a young black male in the South, a child, and the strange adult guy tailing you, for no apparent reason, is white--is justifiable self-defense. There is a long and ugly history in this country that justifies such fears on the part of young black men.

The fear for his life on Zimmerman's part was not reasonable--take another look at the photos of him I previosly posted which were taken right after the shooting--he doesn't even look like he was in much of a fight.

Take another look at the photo of Trayvon Martin's dead body--his fears of George Zimmerman were more than reasonable, given the outcome.


It was Trayvon Martin who had the greater right of self-defense that night--he's the one who was profiled, stalked, and menaced, by a gun-toting stranger, who had animosity in his heart toward this innocent kid, simply based on his physical appearance. It's a shame that the one punch Martin did throw at Zimmerman didn't knock the creep out cold until the police arrived. They might well have arrested Zimmerman for harassment, and Martin would still be alive.

cicerone imposter
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 04:12 pm
I don't feel any comfort from your scenario where Martin punches out Zimmerman, and they arrest Zimmerman. Not in Florida. I say there was a better chance that Martin would be arrested for assault.

Regardless of the consequences, that would have been a much better choice for Martin; at least he'd still be alive.
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 04:30 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't doubt that Martin threw one punch at Zimmerman, in self-defense. And I do feel that was justified given the menacing and provocative circumstances of Zimmerman's behavior toward him. This was a frightened child who had been pursued in the dark by a gun-toting adult vigilante. And there is no evidence that Martin ever threw more than one punch.

Zimmerman brought a gun to a fist fight that should have remained a fist fight. Only in a gun happy state like Florida would he able to hide behind such flawed self-defense laws, laws the gun industry helped to put into place, to avoid criminal responsibility for his actions. In most states, he would have been convicted of manslaughter and use of excessive force.

The only way to get justice for Martin now would be to change, revise, or repeal those flawed and poorly written Florida self-defense laws, so this sort of miscarriage of justice can't happen again. And I think that's coming...

0 Replies
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 05:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Regardless of the consequences, that would have been a much better choice for Martin; at least he'd still be alive.

How on earth do you know a thing like that? Are you clairvoyent?
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Mon 22 Jul, 2013 06:13 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I say there was a better chance that Martin would be arrested for assault.

Of course Trayvon, if he had live, should had been charge with assault as that what you call going up to a man and knocking him to the ground and then keep hittings him.

Why would they arrested the victim of an assault such as Zimmerman?

It took great political pressure to get Zimmerman arrested for the "crime of self defense" but I can not see any such pressure to arrested him for the crime of being beaten up.
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 06:42 pm
Could be what the libtards and race baiters are working towards is something like sharia law in which rape victims are flogged and stoned...
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 06:50 pm
I personally find it stupidly ironic for Zimmerman fans to be talking of race baiting which is the current spin term right now with most of the shrill conservative parrots demonizing the memory of a dead 17 year old boy.

Case in point:

Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:11 pm
Could be what the libtards and race baiters are working towards is something like sharia law in which rape victims are flogged and stoned...

Something is strange that a victim of an assault should be arrested and you are right as the only time I had hear of such craziness is in regard to the middle east where rape victims are arrested for having sex.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:14 pm
I personally find it stupidly ironic for Zimmerman fans to be talking of race baiting which is the current spin term right now with most of the shrill conservative parrots demonizing the memory of a dead 17 year old boy.

You mean the same 17 years old that a jury of six women five of them mothers themselves had found had assaulted Zimmerman to the point he was in his right to killed him?

Is that the same teen you are concern about demonizing his memory?


Sharpton have a lot of innocent bloods on his hands by promoting riots that had killed many people including Jews in New York City.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:27 pm
ironic for Zimmerman fans

Oh is that the Zimmerman who just help to rescue a family out of an overturn SUV is that the same Zimmerman?

Is that the same Zimmerman who spear head a campaign to get justice for a black homeless man and who worked with the local black churches to do so?

A man willing to aid his neighbors in reducing break ins by patrolling around his neighborhood on his own time?

Seems like a very outstanding man to me that was the victim of both an assault and the criminal justice system that bend to ex-legal pressures to put him on trial for what a jury had declare is self defense.
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Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Bill, You understand nothing. You're on Ignore, so you can post all you wish.
C. I. is having a conversation with someone whom he put on Ignore.

C. I. does not understand what Ignore means. Its humorous.
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:36 pm
I don't see anything in that cartoon which strikes me as wrong, mistaken, or unreasonable or anything like that. What am I missing?
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:38 pm
I will tell you the ignore function can be useful as I had found my blood pressure going down ten points since I had placed Firefly on ignore.

If this keep up I might be able to get off blood pressure meds.
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:40 pm
I don't see anything in that cartoon which strikes me as wrong, mistaken, or unreasonable or anything like that. What am I missing?

There a number of misdeeds of Sharpton that happen to be missing from that cartoon but I guess the artist did not wish to have a too busy cartoon.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 07:47 pm
BillRM wrote:
Zimmerman once more risking his own welfare to serve his fellow citizens.



MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) and ALEXIS SHAW (@ashaw109)
July 22, 2013
George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue someone who was trapped in an overturned truck, police said today.

Sanford Police Department Capt. Jim McAuliffe told ABC News that Zimmerman "pulled an individual from a truck that had rolled over" at the intersection of a Florida highway last week.

The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route 417, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where he shot Martin.

It's the first known sighting of Zimmerman since he left the courtroom following his acquittal last week on murder charges for the death of Martin. Zimmerman, 29, shot and killed Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012. The jury determined that Zimmerman shot Martin in self-defense.

I guess the leftists will accuse Zimmy
of FOLLOWING and thereby "menacing"
the fellow that he pulled from the truck;
(accordingly, the guy in the truck shud have begun slamming
Zimmy 's head on the cement).

0 Replies
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 09:19 pm
I will tell you the ignore function can be useful as I had found my blood pressure going down ten points since I had placed Firefly on ignore.

Hitler said that a big lie never totally dies, that some part of it lives on no matter how thoroughly it is debunked, and that is certainly what we are observing here. Anybody who still buys this Obunga/Holder/Sharpton/Jackson narrative after a jury threw it out altogether, is a mental defective. Part of what Hitler meant is that, worst possible case for guys like himself or Sharpton, the one percent stupidest of the stupid might go on believing their **** and, in a country of 80M or 250M people, one percent of that is still a sizable group.
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 09:51 pm
The god damn media is still telling the fools to view Trayvon as a near saint and Zimmerman as a gun crazy racist and to hell with a jury verdict or all the facts that had come out since the shooting that said otherwise.

Just today the Dr. Phil show and Nancy Grace show was doing their level best to sell the same line of disproven nonsense and to this day the picture shown of Trayvon is of a smiling 14 years old.

He is still being call a child also.

We live in strange culture where no one seems to give a **** or at least the killings of thousands of young black men a year by other young black men are give little air time but the legal killing by a jury verdict of one young black man is given more airtime then all those thousands a year dead young black men.

Black youth killed another black youth, hell thousands of black youths killings other black youths, is not news however a semi-white man killed a black youth in self defense and it is unending bias coverage.
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 10:51 pm
gungasnake wrote:
There's a school of thought which sees the prosecution having thrown this case... Best statement of that position I've seen is this:

I don't know. I think the prosecution was just hampered by the fact that there is no evidence that Zimmerman is guilty of anything.

Regarding point #5, I read somewhere that the prosecution had little choice but to use the video of Zimmerman, because as weak as their case was, their case would have been even weaker if they hadn't used it.
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jul, 2013 10:51 pm
BillRM wrote:
Just today the Dr. Phil show and Nancy Grace show was doing their level best to sell the same line of disproven nonsense and to this day the picture shown of Trayvon is of a smiling 14 years old.

Nancy Grace has a long and inglorious history of trying to justify the prosecution and conviction of innocent people.

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