Isn't it true that you can know you doubt ? can't you see that doubting requires first you acknowledge A reality ?
A reality refers to something that is not relative, something thus, that it is not undefined...it is what it is as opposed to something that it is and not it is !
The confusion comes because things that are what they are, also evolve and stop being what they were, they effectively do change...but the fact remains that before they changed they were something in the first place and not 2 different things...to measure change you first need things be defined so you know what changed...so while is true we cannot know almost everything for sure, there is at least one thing we can know without which not even doubting itself could survive...that whatever is the case reality is...IT IS what IT IS ! And that is the ONLY objective knowledge we may ever aspire to have.
Doubting for instance must always be objective doubt...its not the case that doubting can both be and not be doubting...doesn't matter is A or B subject, when they doubt, they objectively doubt in the same way...now of course WHAT they doubt about may be different...the point all along is that we can ditch the what part concerning reality and just stick with the abstract formulation, whatever X is, It is what it is..X is X ! (but you are not describing X)