Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:22 am
this is where american journalism is now

Paula Deen was fired Friday afternoon by the Food Network over her use of a racial epithet -- the N-word -- and other racially charged comments.

The Food Network's statement was short and to the point: "Food Network will not renew Paula Deen's contract when it expires at the end of this month."

The network statement capped a day in which the controversy unfolded on several fronts. First, the Queen of Southern Cooking canceled a planned appearance on the "Today" show. Host Matt Lauer said Deen skipped the appearance even though she had earlier agreed to a candid, no-holds barred discussion. Her representatives cited exhaustion.

Then, later in the day, Deen took a stab at damage control when she took to YouTube to apologize "for mistakes I have made" and ask fans and family for forgiveness. "Inappropriate, hurtful language is totally, totally unacceptable," she said in the brief video.

But shortly after it was posted, the video disappeared. Minutes after that, the Food Network released its statement. Unclear is whether the two events were in any way related and the network was not commenting beyond the statement.


make a claim and then immediately report that you have no information to support that claim....we dont know why the relationship ended, but I think that I have a more supportable theory than the LA Times does...or Firefly.
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Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:34 am
hey weren't going to change, so I exercised the option I did have in that situation.

You missed out as you could have follow the white woman path of suing for millions against Dean Brother for having an anti black working environment. Not sure how that work but it seems to be working.

In my former work place the joking yes joking was mainly between so call Gringos and Cuban Americans.

Hate to have comments of mine taken out of the context of the back and forth joking between long term co-workers and friends.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:42 am
Hawkeye if Firefly carry out her threat to placed me on ignore

i did not hear her say that nor would that be like her...she will read you but not respond, until you make a good enough argument against her cause de jour that she cant resist. she loves to mock those who dont agree with her as she did here, but good counter points damage her reputation as a know it all enough that she will take you seriously as needed.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 12:34 pm
Lot of KKK members into southern cooking shows it would seems at least in Firefly world view.

The PC crowd is outnumber by somewhere around a 100 to one from the below story

Note if the food network not the food channel.........and it look like one of the other food channels might picked her show up on the cheap.



If you’ve been following the news about Paula Deen, you’ll also know that her fans feel deeply about her and object to The Food Network’s reported decision to not renew her contract.

For the record, The Food Channel is not affiliated with The Food Network or with The Cooking Channel. See our story about it, here.

However, we do get their mail. Frequently. But our email box, Twitter feed, and Facebook comments have never blown up to quite the extent over an issue as they have this one. Comments are running 100 to 1 in support of Ms. Deen. We shared a few of the early emails in our first article about the situation, and thought it might be fun to share a few more.

We’re also featuring some of Paula Deen’s recipes, so send us your favorites and we’ll add them, too!

Remember – these are actual emails that we have received. We are attempting in all cases to direct people to the correct company so their views will be received.

Excerpts from emails:

Just saw where you have dropped Paula Deen after her testimony about using a racial slur many years ago. You people are spineless. Has anyone over the age of 40 (black and white) never used a racial slur? NO. I will never watch your channel again and I hope everyone does the same and you are force off the air soon.


I have been a long time viewer of the Food Channel. I watch every day and in the evening as well. I understand that Paula Dean has been released from her show.I am very angry and many of my friends are angry that you have released her. If there is a man or woman on this earth that has never called a Black person, or an Italian, or an Irishmen, or a Polish person, or a Jewish person a bad name when they have done something horrible, I would not believe it. You know you have, as we all have.

Paula Dean has publicly apologized for it. This happened years ago. She is no different that many others who have had a slip of the tongue and apologized for it, yet they have kept their contracts. Why is the Food Channel doing this?

Well, you have lost me and you have lost my friends. We are outraged at this inability to forgive her. She has made you millions and now you drop her? Sorry, but this was a stupid error on your part. You will lose many many viewers.


I will never, ever buy products from any business that supports your programs since you're non-renewing Paula. Further, I'm letting all your advertisers know that I will not purchase their products unless you reinstate Paula's show.

Decisions to non-renew shows based upon an individual making a statement that may "offend" someone else is childish. You're little team members that made that decision are idiots. Please tell them that they ARE idiots.


Narrowminded would not be even the best to describe your decision. Everyone including me have changed over the last 60 plus years.

My wife and I will be contacting Comcast Monday to block or delete your channel, and at the worst we will not be looking at your channel in the future. I am sure that sometimes taking a star such as Tiger Woods away from Nike, but suddenly he is back in good grace.

Basically this is a knee jerking reaction and after reading facebook today, Nabisco may even come out with a Paula Deen Cracker.

You may never read this but this is the gospel, no more Food Channel.


About a year and a half ago, I sat in my wheelchair for several hours, in line at the WalMart Store in Rogers, Arkansas to meet Paula Deen and get her book signed by her. The crowd kept growing to be the largest event ever in Rogers. Thousands upon thousands of people showed up because of the love they have for her. Hanks Furniture Store owner, whose Newest and largest store in Arkansas is basically across the street from WalMart, took notice and hired Paula to cut several commercials, which he prides himself as the reason for a huge boost in sales.

Don't you realize that she will recover from this stumbling block and will be hired by another channel, and your ratings will drop like a hot potato? YOU will suffer in the end because out of all the shows you carry, Paula Deen is the top chef in America.


I have been reading about the latest problems of Paula Dean and the racial slurs she has made. And I just saw where you will not renew her contract. I think this is too harsh. I am from the South and all of us are guilty of having uttered racial slurs in the past. But that is something we no longer do. Our parents were raised using those words and slurs and it rubbed off on lots of us. Once we found out how derogatory and hurtful they were, we never used them again. And we have taught our children and grandchildren not to use them and are very thankful that they do not use such language. They are helpful in erasing that kind of conduct, not only in the South, but everywhere. Paula Dean was raised in he South and was exposed to that kind of language. She admitted using such language in the past and has apologized for her past actions. Give her a break. Accept her apology and let her get on with her life. She has entertained millions and as you know, we Americans are a very forgiving bunch of people. So let’s back off and give this belle of the South a chance to prove how sorry she is for her past remarks. She could become a spokesperson for good manners and respecting the rights of people around the world. It is time for both sides to back off, regroup and see what good examples you can set for everyone else.


I cannot believe you dismissed Paula for her choice of a word used years ago. If you are going to be this picky you might not have anyone working for you come Monday. I'm sure yourself and other employees have used a racial word. There are high profile people who use racial words daily and they are still respected.

The word is in the dictionary.

Extremely disappointed.


I am turning the food channel off until you put Paula Deen back on the air. All of us have made mistakes in our life. Her apology was sincere. That should be enough.


I was shocked and disappointed that you have made the decision to drop Paula Dean. I would guess that if we looked into every word and deed you yourself have said or done we would also find a reason you should not be the editor for the Food channel.


When you drop her, Iam going to drop you and direct t.v. and your sponsors. We're going to get rid of you.


Your decision to drop Paula Deen is, indeed, shortsighted.

Please reflect on the case of Carbonite ending their relationship with Rush Limbaugh after he made what they deemed to be an offensive comment. I, and many others, have dropped Carbonite service in favor of another back-up service that Mr. Limbaugh now supports. Carbonite is now having to promise 6 months free service to woo new customers.

I will no longer watch the Food Channel. Your leftist approach to political correctness is disgusting, and you deserve the fate that will likely befall you.











Shame on you Food Channel.

Wish you would show the class Paula Dean has shown. If it is all about finance, think about the many food lovers you will loose. Most may not tell you bye like me.

If she goes, we go.


to the editor of the food channel SERIOUSLY U FIRED PAULA I GUESS YOU AND MOST OF SOCIETY WALK ONWATER AND NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG THEN ON TOP OF THAT ALL YOU GUYS ARE MIND READERS CAUSE HER APOLOGY ISNT SINCERE ENOUGH HOW CAN YOU OR ANYONE TELL.Whta you and society need to do is make a list of ALL THE GOOD THINGS SHE HAS DONE AND A LIST OF THE BAD AND YOU WILL SEE THE BAD LSIT IS VERY SMALL.OH make one for yourself also so you can see you are a hypocrite for firing her .Me I'm 47 Latin I worked nite clubes for years I use it all my balck friends used it etc it just a word what happen to sticks and stone NOW IT OH OH YOU SAID SOMETHING WRONG LETS DESTROY YOU FOR MAKING A HUMAN MISTAKE REALLY THIS WHOLE ******* WORLD HAS GONE PC CRAZY AND ITS GOING TO RUIN ARE SOCITEY AND MAKE US MENTALLY WEAK.Take care love the the channel.


Americans need to sensitive to ALL cultures, even to the culture from Low Country Carolina. The "N" word has a far different connotation there than the men who fired Paula understand. Manhattan words do not translate well to rural Carolina. There is nothing racist about Paula, only with you. You owe her and all of her fans a big apology. Hopefully,"I'm sorry " will be words you actually do understand the meaning of. Bring Paula and her family values back.


Your decision to cancel Paula's program is appalling. It is one of the few shows left on the Food Channel that we enjoy watching. Looks like gotcha folks are at it again, gleefully destroying careers over a few careless words. America as we knew it is rapidly disappearing. We won't be watching the FC anymore. I wish Paula all the best.


I think you totally over-reacted and now you are going to have a boycott of the Food Channel because so many people disagree with you. Toughen up and be a leader - don't cave to the "tolerance fools" This is an injustice to this woman and only demeans your channel in my mind. You have lost me as a viewer.


I think its horrible that you have not renewed her contract. She is a lovely person and her comment was years ago and she apologized.

Stop giving into the political correctness of society and have some courage.

You should put her back on the food channel.

I will no longer subscribe to the food channel so you have lost another customer.


It's reported that you are not renewing Paula Deen's contract. If this is because of the racial slurs Deen allegedly said years ago, shame on you. Are you caving to the Politically Correct culture we now live in that unfortunately intimidates people with the intent to destroy them if they are accused of being racist or homophobic?

What she said or did years ago, and has apologized for since, in all fairness, is not egregious enough that it should result in her being dismissed from your channel. Deen is a self-made woman. No one handed her anything. There seems to be some people who want to take her down and shake her down for their own self interest as she has deep pockets. Some devil is out to destroy her.

I would hope you will reconsider your decision about Ms. Deen. She has done more for Savannah than anyone and has given years of cooking and baking enjoyment to millions of people with her TV show, cookbooks and magazines. She is a role model. She is always cheerful and beautifully polite and gracious. She represents the South and Southern cuisine very well with grace and dignity.

This politically correct thought-speak attitude that now pervades our society is destructive and hypocritical and is similar to the Gestapo or to the totalitarian society as depicted in Orwell's 1984.

I hope you are not bending to race baiters who make mountains out of mole hills to achieve their nefarious ends.




Every person has thought or said something in their life that is not correct. that is no excuse to crucify them as you are doing to Paula.

I will no longer watch any of your shows and will not buy any products that you and your show advertise except Paula's.

Our government has authorized the murder of over 50 million unborn babies since Rowe vs Wade and everyone thinks that is ok.

However, let one person say something that someone takes offense to and they get fired.

Good bye


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Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:14 pm
Paula Deen On Her Dream ‘Southern Plantation Wedding’
Hunter Walker-
June 19, 2013,

Last month, Food Network chef Paula Deen gave a videotaped deposition as part of a discrimination suit she’s facing in which she discussed her desire to have a “very southern style wedding” for her brother modeled after a restaurant where the “whole entire wait staff was middle-aged black men” clad in white jackets and black bow ties, according to a transcript of the deposition filed in federal court in Georgia. Deen also admitted to having used the N word and discussed the ways the word could be “not said in a mean way.”

Deen’s deposition in the lawsuit was first reported by the National Enquirer.

A copy of the deposition transcript is published below.

Deen, her brother Earl “Bubba” Hiers, her company, and the corporations that operate a pair of restaurants she owns in Savannah, Ga., are being sued by former employee Lisa Jackson. A complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia by Jackson’s attorney, Matthew Billips, last November alleged she was subjected to “violent, sexist, and racist behavior” during five years working for Deen’s various businesses.

According to the complaint, Jackson began working for Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House, a restaurant run by Hiers, in early 2005 and left in August 2010 due to the inappropriate behavior she said she was subjected to in her time there. In the deposition, Deen said she owns half of the corporation that operates Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House. Jackson also said she did some other work for Deen’s company and a restaurant she runs. The complaint alleged “racially discriminatory attitudes pervade” Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House where Jackson claimed African-American employees were required to use separate bathrooms and entrances from white staffers. Jackson also said African-Americans were held to “different, more stringent, standards” than whites at the restaurant and that Hiers regularly made offensive racial remarks. In the complaint, Jackson is described as a “white female.” However the complaint noted she has biracial nieces, so “derogatory remarks regarding African Americans are even more personally offensive to Ms. Jackson than they would be to another white citizen.”

Along with the allegations of racism, Jackson’s complaint accuses Hiers of making inappropriate sexual comments and forcing her to look at pornography with him. The complaint also said Hiers violently shook employees on multiple occasions and came to work in an “almost constant state of intoxication.”

Jackson’s complaint also accuses Deen of racism and enabling Hiers’ behavior. According to the complaint, Deen and other managers at her companies ignored Jackson’s attempts to discuss Hiers’ behavior. As evidence that Deen “holds such racist views herself,” the complaint details an incident that occurred when Jackson was in charge of “food and serving arrangements” at Hier’s wedding in 2007. The complaint includes a comment Deen allegedly made when asked by Jackson what type of uniforms the servers should wear at the wedding.

“Well what I would really like is a bunch of little niggers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around,” the lawsuit claims Deen said. “Now that would be a true southern wedding, wouldn’t it? But we can’t do that because the media would be on me about that.”

In her deposition, which was given last month, Deen denied many of the allegations against Hiers and addressed the alleged comment about his wedding. Deen said she remembered telling Jackson and another employee about a restaurant she went to with an exclusively African-American waitstaff that she wanted to emulate, but was worried about the potential reaction. Though Deen admitted to using the phrase “really southern plantation wedding” she denied having said the N word.

“I remember telling them about a restaurant that my husband and I had recently visited. And I’m wanting to think it was in Tennessee or North Carolina or somewhere, and it was so impressive,” Deen said. “The whole entire wait staff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie. I mean, it was really impressive. And I remember saying I would love to have servers like that, I said, but I would be afraid that somebody would misinterpret.”

Deen said “that restaurant represented a certain era in America.” When pressed by Billips, the plaintiff’s lawyer, Deen said she was referring to the period immediately surrounding the Civil War. She also said she knew people might “read something into it” if she used exclusively African-American servers at the wedding.

Though she denied having used the N word when discussing the wedding waitstaff, Deen admitted to Billips that she used the term in the past.

“Yes, of course,” Deen replied when asked if she ever said the word.

Deen said she employed the term when telling her husband about an incident “when a black man burst into the bank that I was working at and put a gun to my head.”

“I didn’t feel real favorable towards him,” Deen said of the alleged bank robber.

Deen also admitted she was “sure” that she’d used the word since that incident. Specifically, Deen said she “probably” used the word while “repeating” a “conversation between blacks.” She also said that her family, including Hiers, do not discriminate against any race and object to the N word “being used in any cruel or mean behavior.” Jackson’s attorney responded by asking Deen to explain how the N word might be used in a “non-mean way.”

“We hear a lot of things in the kitchen, things that they — that black people will say to each other,” Deen said. “If we are relaying something that was said, a problem that we’re discussing, that’s not said in a mean way.”

Billips also asked Deen whether she thought “jokes” containing the N word would be hurtful. Deen said she was unsure.

“That’s kind of hard. Most — most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks. Most jokes target — I don’t know. I didn’t make up the jokes, I don’t know,” said Deen. “They usually target, though, a group. Gays or straights, black, redneck, you know, I just don’t know — I just don’t know what to say. I can’t, myself, determine what offends another person.”

Though she said she does not tell “racial” jokes herself, Deen said she was “sure” members of her family have told jokes that contained the N word and that her husband “is constantly telling me jokes.” Billips asked whether Deen is “offended at all by those jokes.”

“No, because it’s my husband,” she said.

“Contrary to media reports, Ms. Deen does not condone or find the use of racial epithets acceptable,” Deen’s attorney, William Franklin, told the Associated Press in a statement. A spokeswoman for the Food Network issued a statement saying it will “continue to monitor the situation.”

Attorneys for Deen and Hiers did not respond to a request for comment from TPM. Billips declined to comment. In their filings in the lawuit, Deen and Hiers and the other defendants have denied Jackson’s allegations

And, after "monitoring the situation," the Food Network announced it was not renewing her contract.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:17 pm
“Well what I would really like is a bunch of little niggers to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around,” the lawsuit claims Deen said. “Now that would be a true southern wedding, wouldn’t it? But we can’t do that because the media would be on me about that.”

as if this woman does not have enough recorded words on the subject that we need to resort to hearsay! I smell desperation to paint a picture that is at odds with reality.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:27 pm
what this wedding stuff is is Yankees saying "why wont those God damned rebels think like they are told! We beat them, now they need to stop being uppity"
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:27 pm

as if this woman does not have enough recorded words on the subject that we need to resort to hearsay

The "hearsay" is the plaintiff's sworn deposition in the current lawsuit against Deen. It's that lawsuit, and the depositions in it, both those of the plaintiff and from Deen, that have triggered off the public controversy that now swarms around Deen. Citing that lawsuit, and what it contains, is quite relevant.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:29 pm
dean is not known as a liar...if you want to know what she thinks ask her and she will tell you, hearsay by a woman who is after her money is not needed and is not as good as the real thing.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:35 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

dean is not known as a liar...

the whole diabetes drug thing doesn't suggest she is a marvellously honest woman

she's made herself a couple of messes and it looks like it's finally getting to be too much for the audience (I'm seeing a lot of FB chatter on this and it's less favourable to her than I'd expected)

she hasn't been a hot star for the FN for a couple of years - the FN brand has gone more to chefs rather than cooks

with any luck this will be an any publicity is better than no publicity situation for her - her style and approach to cooking started sliding out of favour a few years ago - this kerfuffle could keep her brand going for a little while
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:43 pm
...if you want to know what she thinks ask her and she will tell you...

Duh...that's what the lawyer did when he asked her about those things at the deposition.

She claims she only uses the N-word in a "nice way" or "not in a mean way" Rolling Eyes--and she's not claiming she doesn't use it. And she sees nothing wrong with jokes aimed at Jews, blacks, gays...her hubby tells them to her all the time.

dean is not known as a liar...

She's also not straightforward and honest. Concealing her diabetes for 3 years, while she continued to cook and promote the kind of diet which is associated with the onset of type 2 diabetes, and all that time publicly dismissing the potentially harmful nature of what she was promoting, is certainly duplicity.

What evidence do you have that she's not known as a liar?

Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:44 pm

the whole diabetes drug thing doesn't suggest she is a marvellously honest woman

good point, and I believe that she lied to Food Network in the same way
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:47 pm
An attorney for the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition said current and former Paula Deen employees told him the famous cook and her brother discriminated against black employees, one of whom was consistently referred to as "my little monkey."

After Deen acknowledged using a racial slur, the story went viral and the Food Network announced on Friday that it would not renew her contract when it expires at the end of June.

Deen and her brother, Bubba Hiers, are being sued by Lisa T. Jackson, a former employee who claims she endured a hostile work environment replete with racial slurs.

Robert Patillo, an attorney for Rainbow/PUSH, a civil rights group founded by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Jr., said one current and two former employees told him white employees are routinely paid more than black employees and are promoted more quickly. A black man who had threatened to go to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said Deen's brother told him "you don't have any civil rights here," Rainbow/PUSH said in a press release.

Rainbow/PUSH said it has "found evidence of systemic racial discimination and harassment" by Deen and that "a family member consistently referred to a black cook as 'my little monkey.'"

Patillo, who conducted interviews in Savannah where Deen's restaurant is located, said current and former employees told him that Deen "preferred white and light-skinned blacks to work with customers" and that darker-skinned blacks were relegated to "back-of-the-house operations."

Patillo said employees have been reluctant to talk to him about their experience with Deen because they fear retaliation.

Deen could not be reached on Saturday for comment on the Rainbow/PUSH allegations.

She acknowledged in a deposition that she used a racial slur "a very long time" ago. CBS News has also reported that Deen said jokes often target minority groups.

"I can't, myself, determine what offends another person," the station quoted Deen as saying.

With social media ablaze, Deen on Friday released a pair of videos apologizing and begging for forgiveness.

"I want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that I've done," she said. "I want to learn and grow from this. Inappropriate, hurtful language is totally, totally unacceptable."

In an interview with The AJC, Patillo said Deen's use of a racial slur isn't the problem.

"It's a free country," Patillo said. "We have freedom of speech, and you can say what you want. Our issue is whether that mindset has filtered into employment decisions."

Patillo said there are strong indications that Deen's operation mistreats and limits opportunities for black employees.

"What we've found is that there has been disparate treatment," Patillo said. "What we'd like is to have her remedy the situation."

Those remedies, Patillo said, should include giving blacks a fair chance for employment and promotion, sensitivity training and providing an avenue of recourse for those who have been mistreated.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 01:48 pm
She claims she sometimes uses the N-word in a "nice way"


And she sees nothing wrong with jokes aimed at Jews, blacks, gays.
i am with her on that.....especially in a restaurant kitchen
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 02:21 pm
Strange all those unsupported claims are coming out is it not?

Lisa T. Jackson is going for the gold and is a white employee beside so it is kind of strange of all the blacks employees it is a white woman who is suing?

Strange story indeed with unname people being quoted by unname attorneys and unname civil right people.

Patillo said there are strong indications that Deen's operation mistreats and limits opportunities for black employees.

An a white employee is the one suing how very very strange.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 02:24 pm
I wondered if this current controversy would affect QVC's relationship with Deen. It looks like it might.

Paula Deen's QVC Deal at Risk Following Racial Slur Scandal
June 23, 2013 .

It hasn't been a good few days for Paula Deen, who was dropped by the Food Network on Friday, June 21, following her racial slur scandal.

Although Deen has apologized in two video messages (one being barely coherent) and in statements, her deal with QVC -- which markets and sells her cookware products -- may also be ending soon.

A rep for QVC tells TMZ that they have "concerns [over] the unfortunate Paula Deen situation ... Please know that QVC does not tolerate discriminatory behavior."

The rep added to the site, "We are closely monitoring these events and we are reviewing our business relationship with Ms. Deen. In the meantime, we have no immediate plans to have her appear on QVC."

Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 02:27 pm
So QVC might wish to joint the food network in being boycott how interesting indeed.

Given the up to hundred to one ratio of support for the lady as shown by email comments and on the social networks it seems not to be a good idea.

Unless you Firefly are personally promising to buy millions of dollars of junk to make up for the business QVC will likely lose by moving against her.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 02:31 pm
Losing the QVC connection would be truly bad for Deen's brand.

It's a very different market from FN viewers.

Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 02:33 pm
The support for Deen is nothing like 100 to 1 if you follow social media.

In any case, QVC viewers aren't twitter or news followers. They'll notice she's gone but they'll just pick up shopping with someone else.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 02:35 pm
In any case, QVC viewers aren't twitter or news followers. They'll notice she's gone but they'll just pick up shopping with someone else.

So you think but I would not bet my bottom line over the matter if I was them.

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