Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 12:06 am
presenting non PC views is not bullying, it is practicing a free mind with free sspeech rights. this ticks you off I know...you believe in freedom only so long as people claim to agree with you, when that fails you get nasty.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 12:18 am
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 06:58 am
“I get it, believe me,” Ms. Green said. “But what’s hard for people to understand is that she didn’t mean it as racist. It sounds bad, but that’s not what’s in her heart. She’s just from another time.”

I wonder if she finds that explanation suitable for her grandchildren. Those people from that other time really did think they were better because they were white.

“Everybody in the South over 60 used the N-word at some time or the other in the past,” wrote Dick Jackson, a white man from Missouri.

B.S. I am in the South and over 60 and I have spoken the word, but only in a discussion about it. Not derisively. It's all about context. One of the first times I heard it was in Lenny Bruce's routine. It's a word used to put 'blacks' in their place and Ms. Deen needs to be made aware that it is unacceptable.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 07:18 am
firefly wrote:

Paula Dean just got booted from the Food Network. A past use of the "N-word" on her part was a factor.


This whole business is very damaging to her brand.

Any thoughts on this?

I still love her style of cooking. Too bad we don't have such good food up here in boston. Paula will make out OK. Good luck to her and all her fans.

Maybe Paula will move to Boston...Maybe to Chicago...
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 07:31 am
Yes Firefly just like anyone who would dare to disagree with you over the punishment levels for having CP must be a pedophile anyone who dare to disagree with punishing a woman for words she spoke decades ago must be a KKK member.

In the case, of CP it did not matter to you if a majority of federal judges agree that the punishments should be reduce so it surely does not matter that there are black supports of this woman willing to say so in public statements.

The world is better view by way of your own personal PC filter.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 07:42 am
presenting non PC views is not bullying, it is practicing a free mind with free sspeech rights. this ticks you off I know...you believe in freedom only so long as people claim to agree with you, when that fails you get nasty.

That go even far more in the case of Firefly as the cartoon she just posted show anyone who disagree with her and the food channel including blacks must be members of the KKK.
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Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 08:12 am
Here is one of those KKK members in Firefly PC world


But at the very front was Nicole T. Green, 36, an African-American who said she had made a detour from a vacation in New Orleans specifically to show up in support of Ms. Deen.

“I get it, believe me,” Ms. Green said. “But what’s hard for people to understand is that she didn’t mean it as racist. It sounds bad, but that’s not what’s in her heart. She’s just from another time.”
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 08:57 am
I wonder if she finds that explanation suitable for her grandchildren. Those people from that other time really did think they were better because they were white.

Yes blacks need white protections and how dare some of those blacks stated in public that the N word used decades ago is no big deal to them.

Hmm that sound like a little racist to my ears but what the hell racism in the serve of being PC is no sin or so it would seems.

Ms. Deen needs to be made aware that it is unacceptable.

Somehow I think she became aware of that decades ago but what the hell let prove how PC we are by throwing her under the bus.

Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 09:30 am
She’s just from another time.

No, she's living in today's world--she didn't grow up in the 18th century.

Stop making excuses for a woman who uses language demeaning of entire groups of people, and who believes that "all jokes" are about Jews, blacks, and gays. She obviously takes it for granted that ridiculing those groups, and making them the butt of jokes, is just fine. And this is current behavior with her--not just something from her past.

Perhaps you share her bigoted thinking, which is why you are so upset to see her suffering any consequences for things which you consider the norm.

You're certainly doing your best to defend the perpetuation and use of racial/ethnic slurs, and all the hatred, divisiveness, and hurt, that such terms, and thought patterns, carry with them. You attack and dismiss others who rightly find these things offensive, by saying they are the 'PC police state'--with no recognition that, unless such offensive bigoted speech is clearly deemed unacceptable, in no uncertain terms, you are tacitly condoning it.

If being "PC" means that you make efforts to avoid needlessly offending others with things like racial/ethnic/sexual orientation slurs, and that you try to stop the negative stereotyping of entire groups, and the hatred, and divisiveness, and hurt, that such bigotry perpetuates, then I am very proud to be PC.

I'd much rather be "PC" than siding with the bigots of this world, and making excuses for them, as you are doing.

Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 09:53 am
he’s just from another time.

No, she's living in today's world--she didn't grow up in the 18th century.

Perhaps you share her bigoted thinking, which is why you are so upset to see her suffering any consequences for things which you consider the norm.

To me your attempts to paint anyone who dare to disagree with you as coming from the evil/dark-side such as being a racist or a pedophile or a KKK member or whatever is as bad or worst then using of racial slurs.

But then just to be sure I will call my mixed race step daughters and see if they think I am a bigot not my step grand-kids as they are too young to have an opinion on the matter.

As far as coming from another age comment that came from the lady below a Ms Greens who might be a KKK member in your world view even if she is black.



But at the very front was Nicole T. Green, 36, an African-American who said she had made a detour from a vacation in New Orleans specifically to show up in support of Ms. Deen.

“I get it, believe me,” Ms. Green said. “But what’s hard for people to understand is that she didn’t mean it as racist. It sounds bad, but that’s not what’s in her heart. She’s just from another time.”
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 09:55 am

B.S. I am in the South and over 60 and I have spoken the word, but only in a discussion about it. Not derisively. It's all about context. One of the first times I heard it was in Lenny Bruce's routine. It's a word used to put 'blacks' in their place and Ms. Deen needs to be made aware that it is unacceptable.

I was a big Lenny Bruce fan. One of the first petitions I ever signed in my life was to stop the police/government harassment of Bruce. He did a great deal to attack all those racial/ethnic slurs, by making them, and the people who use them, the butt of ridicule, he tried to neutralize their power to harm. You're very correct, IRFRANK, it is about context.

It's an insult to everyone over 60, and everyone in the South, to assume they all casually embrace, and perpetuate, racism and bigotry, and find it acceptable today, because they are of a certain age, and live in a place, where flagrant institutionalized discrimination and segregation thrived over half a century ago. That sort of negative stereotyping of an entire group isn't acceptable either, and it's not accurate.

Unfortunately, Deen represents the kind of casual racist and ethnic bigotry that isn't confined to the elderly, or a certain part of the country, it's insidiously present in all groups and in all regions. And nowhere should it be considered acceptable or defended or excused.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 10:03 am
Unfortunately, Deen represents the kind of casual racist and ethnic bigotry that isn't confined to the elderly, or a certain part of the country, it's insidiously present in all groups and in all regions. And nowhere should it be considered acceptable or defended or excused.

My my Firefly you are so high on your high horse that it must be hard to breathe up there and if anyone dare repeat dare to disagree with you and think that punishing a woman for long ago comments that she had apologized for is over the top they must be a racist and or a KKK member even if they have mixed race family members or if they are black themselves.

No one can after all disagree with you without being evil for doing so.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 10:16 am

But then just to be sure I will call my mixed race step daughters and see if they think I am a bigot ...

What's next, you'll say, "I'm not bigoted, some of my best friends are Jews"? Or gays?

You are defending and making excuses for the use of quite offensive racial/ethnic slurs, and the demeaning jokes that make Jews, blacks, and gays, the objects of ridicule--the kind of jokes that Deen enjoys, and described as being "all jokes", suggesting they may be her main form of such humor. And she's not talking about the past, she's talking about her current behavior in a current discrimination lawsuit against her.

To the extent that you defend Deen's use of racial/ethnic slurs, and her enjoyment of jokes that embody such slurs, you are condoning them as acceptable. And, when you do that, you're revealing your true colors when it comes to bigotry.

I think it's time to start ignoring you. I'm not going to help you have a platform or a strawman for your crap. And you have no problems talking to yourself, but you ought to try listening to yourself for a change, so you could really hear what you sound like--and that's what Deen needs to do as well.



Go to the above link and watch the two part video--it's Deen's casual bigotry that deserves to be ridiculed, that's one way to show it as being unacceptable.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 10:30 am
What's next, you'll say, "I'm not bigoted, some of my best friends are Jews"? Or gays?

LOL ok the black lady supporting Deen is a self hating racist and even those who have family members who are jews or gays or blacks must be whatever if they dare to disagree with you.

I think it's time to start ignoring you. I'm not going to help you have a platform or a strawman for your crap. And you have no problems talking to yourself, but you ought to try listening to yourself for a change.

Be my guest girl as not having to put up with your slurs of trying your very best to paint me in being all manners of evil for the sin of disagreeing with you will not be missed at all.

Hell it would be very nice to be able to address the issues instead of dealing with your personal attacks on me for daring to disagree with you.

Let others take up the burden of your slurs when they disagree with you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 10:42 am
Miller wrote:

firefly wrote:

Paula Dean just got booted from the Food Network. A past use of the "N-word" on her part was a factor.


This whole business is very damaging to her brand.

Any thoughts on this?

I still love her style of cooking. Too bad we don't have such good food up here in boston. Paula will make out OK. Good luck to her and all her fans.

Maybe Paula will move to Boston...Maybe to Chicago...

this could be like Chick-fil-a where a huge group of people dont care so long as the food is good, and another huge group supports the brand identity, so the brand is fine even if a bunch of people get their back up...but her rapid fire desperate apologies will hurt her. Chick-fil-a is fine, but they never apologized for their beliefs or past acts either.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 10:44 am
You know, a few of my best friends are or have been bigots. But I never joined in their bigot's spiels and I never let them forget how diseased I thought they were.
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 10:59 am
You know, a few of my best friends are or have been bigots. But I never joined in their bigot's spiels and I never let them forget how diseased I thought they were.

You picked your friends hell best friends in somewhat a strange manner but to each his own.

But then again I have friends who are not atheists and are instead true believers in some god or other that I consider to be irrational at least in that area but still I would find it hard to be friends with whose who think that the color of someone skin impact on that person worth.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:00 am
But Pastor Gregory A. Tyson Sr. from First Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia, defended Deen to WTOC, a CNN affiliate.

"I know her," Tyson said. "My children have been to her house. I've been to her house, I've sat on her furniture. I've been all through her house. What racist would let a black man walk all through her house?"

Tyson also said he is pastor to Hollis Johnson - the black man who manages much of Deen's affairs, travels everywhere with her, owns a successful limo company with a fleet of cars that Deen helped finance.

"She is a mother to him, a mother figure," Tyson said.

"People are going to jump on it and believe what they want to believe and add what they want to add," said Tyson. "But one thing I can sit here today and look you in the face and tell you is that woman can't be a racist."

"She can't have a heart against black people with all that she had done, and all she continues to do," Tyson continued.

"That is why I'm here with you today to be a character witness for miss Paula Deen because she is a beautiful person, a beautiful spirit."

Asked what he thinks about Deen's admission that she has used the N-word, Tyson said, "Who hasn't?"

"That's what you want in a person, to be honest," he continued. "She stood up and and confessed and made the point that she did use the word. Who hasn't? That doesn't make her a racist. Would a racist gives thousands of dollars to an organization that helps black boys?"


a little counterpoint to Fireflies bloviation.....
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:09 am
a little counterpoint to Fireflies bloviation.....

Hawkeye if Firefly carry out her threat to placed me on ignore you will be going up to the head of her list of her slurs targets...............
Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2013 11:11 am
You know, a few of my best friends are or have been bigots. But I never joined in their bigot's spiels and I never let them forget how diseased I thought they were.

I've had friends, who didn't think of themselves bigots, but once in a while they'd come out with a slur toward some group. And I let them know I didn't like it, and didn't want to hear it. They accepted that, and my reaction did make them think about what they were doing, because these were basically decent people, and we were good friends

I used to work in a place where occasionally I had to have lunch with a particular group of co-workers, and these people invariably wound up telling some sort of racial/ethnic joke, or anecdote, that either ridiculed or cast aspersions on some minority. At first I tried telling them politely that I found this stuff offensive, and I'd appreciate it if they knocked it off. I had to work with these people, and didn't want to get into nastiness or a confrontation. But they went right on doing this sort of thing most of the time we had lunch together. Finally, my only recourse was to say, "I have to leave now, " and I would get up and leave the table when they started this stuff. At least I didn't have to make myself a party to it by sitting and listening, and I didn't have to needlessly get aggravated by subjecting myself to hearing it. Obviously, they weren't going to change, so I exercised the option I did have in that situation.

At least that sort of thing only went on at an occasional lunch where I worked--it didn't actually go on in the workplace itself. The current discrimination lawsuit against Deen, and her brother, alleges that that was the sort of atmosphere she and her brother allowed, and accepted, and contributed to, in the restaurant workplace which was under their control. That's a horribly offensive atmosphere to be subjected to in the workplace, on a regular basis, if you don't share such bigoted views--it does become a hostile work environment.

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