Paula Dean Fired By Food Network Over Racial Slur

Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 12:47 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

"More tame" doesn't excuse your bigotry against women and sexual harassment. You're a ****'n loser in my books.

and yet in less than two years I have built a place so highly thought of that my employees are fiercely loyal, and where people with jobs walk in my door asking if I need anybody...you dont get there unless employees think they are treated well. sure, I benefit from the fact that a lot of other restaurant owners treat people like crap and have businesses that are going no where, my competition for employees is a bit weak, but still. even a socialist like me has appreciation for the truth telling that markets can provide

edit: which bring up a point...arn't PD restaurants known to be a good place to work, with better than average pay? I believe that I read a story that made this claim
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 12:50 pm
If they knew your mindset about sexual harassment, they'll be running out from your place of business - including your customers.

Put up a sign, if you dare, that says your place of "(my) business tolerates sexual harassment."

Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 01:08 pm
This was pretty much the same impression I had from Deen's appearance on the Today show this morning.
Paula Deen Talks to Matt Lauer, As One More “Sinned” Against Than Sinning
By James Poniewozik
June 26, 2013

Last Friday, Paula Deen was supposed to talk to Matt Lauer on the Today Show to talk the charges of racism that came from her admissions in a deposition for a workplace-discrimination lawsuit. She cancelled the interview, saying she was unwell, and later that day posted several apology videos that expressed regret, while pointedly not specifying for what, exactly.

Deen finally made it to Today Wednesday morning, in a tearful, raw interview that made clear, in a forum where she’d often been a welcome guest, that she had been badly upset by the past week’s events. But her main message was how badly she had been hurt—hurt by “lies,” by exaggerations, by the loss of business, and by attacks on her public image.

Deen’s appearance was emotional, affecting, and often uncomfortable. But if you expected her to tell Lauer that she hurt anyone else with her past language, or understands how she hurt them, keep waiting. This was much more about how much Deen has been hurt. “There’s someone evil out there that saw what I had worked for,” she said, “and they wanted it.” If you have no sin, Deen told the audience, “please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me.”

For herself, though, Deen clearly believed she’d already taken more stones than she deserved. To Lauer, she echoed a couple of the defenses that her fans have been making for her all week.

First, she gave a version of the “black people use that word too” defense, when Lauer asked if she could see now that “the n-word” was offensive to African Americans. She didn’t entirely know, she said, because “It offends me when I go into my kitchens and I hear what these young people are calling each other. It’s very distressing… It makes my skin crawl.” Fair enough. Some African Americans also have argued that no one, black, white, or otherwise, should use the word. But it’s another, historically obtuse thing to claim that it’s no different for a white person use it than a black person; that’s essentially to say that racial history doesn’t exist or no longer matters. (And I frankly don’t get why some white people are so hung up on the unfairness of not getting to use one crappy word.)

Second, there was the argument that Deen is too loving and well-meaning a person to be racist. I’ve been hearing a lot of that too: that Deen voted for Obama, for instance, and how could a racist do that? (Some campaign reports from 2008, by the way, try to explain exactly why they could, like the Pennsylvania man who replied to a canvasser, “We’re votin’ for the nigger!”)

The fallacy here is that there are two kinds of people: the 100% non-prejudiced, and the absolute, venomous, hateful bigots. That’s not life. I can gladly believe that Deen is loving and well-meaning and good-hearted toward people of different races. That doesn’t mean, say, that she can’t find it nostalgically attractive to have a plantation-style wedding with an all-black waitstaff dressed antebellum-style, or that there’s still not a problem with it that she should at least acknowledge.

Deen didn’t address that aspect of her testimony, though, largely because Lauer didn’t ask. (He did ask about her saying she “probably” used the slur other times; she now says she absolutely didn’t, yet also says she answered truthfully.) Keeping the focus on whether she said one word, and how many times, and who else gets to say it avoids those bigger questions of attitudes, and the workplace atmosphere that the original lawsuit alleged. That itself is a p.r. victory for her: if the only question in the first place was whether she used one slur, one time, decades ago, she would not have nearly the same problems today.

None of which is to say people won’t, or shouldn’t, forgive her. People do make mistakes. People say stupid things. I’m sure that people have done worse things in the past and paid less for them than Deen has, and there needn’t be a professional death penalty for every past mistake a public figure makes. I can’t weigh Deen’s contrition on some cosmic scale, but however sorry she is, it’s hard to say she hasn’t suffered. Deen said that her critics don’t know her heart, and she’s right. Who knows any celebrity’s heart? They just know what she said, or said she did, and they were probably expecting her to address that fully here.

But as for anyone who was hurt by what Deen admitted to, her Today appearance was clearly not aimed at them. It was much more focused on fans who already like her and are disposed to forgive. They will, I’m guessing, and others may eventually forget or move on, but Deen made clear she believes the time for throwing stones is over.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 01:24 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

If they knew your mindset about sexual harassment, they'll be running out from your place of business - including your customers.

Put up a sign, if you dare, that says your place of "(my) business tolerates sexual harassment."

I am not in the business of selling my opinions at my restaurant, that is a hobby not a living. rest easy...if I become a jerk I will not have employees or customers but will have lawsuits.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 02:23 pm
You are a jerk in many ways; it's only that you can't admit to it or "see" it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 03:32 pm
You didn't read the deposition. Women and blacks were continually harassed, ridiculed, and treated unfairly. Why don't you read the damn thing?

Sorry once more claims from people looking for millions is worthless by itself/
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 03:38 pm
The truth is, you demean and make derogatory comments about entire groups--like women, gays, Muslim-Americans, for instance--in your posts, you regularly negatively stereotype entire groups in a way that definitely amounts to slurs.

My my you trying to do the same thing to me that you and others are trying to do to Ms Deen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, even because someone holds a gun to your head, it doesn't explain why a racial slur pops into your mind--unless that racial slur is already part of your thinking.

My my you need to be PC even to the point of near death and one slip from that godlike PC stand even thirty years ago is enough to mark you as a racist for life how amazing and god like standards you hold others to!!!!!!!!!!!

An of course facts that point the other direction such as her heavy support of Obama during his first run for President and her promoting black employees to high positions in her firm is beside the point for people like you.
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 03:43 pm

Sorry once more claims from people looking for millions is worthless by itself/

The defendants in the lawsuit admitted to the racially and sexually inappropriate behavior in their workplace in their depositions.

This topic appears way beyond your comprehension and literacy level. You are clearly unable to understand the depositions--those aren't claims, they are sworn testimony by the defendants in this suit, Deen and her brother/business partner Earl "Bubba" Hiers, in response to questioning by Jackson's lawyer. Hiers admitted to his racially and sexually inappropriate behavior, and Deen admitted she was aware of it and did nothing about it.

Perhaps you should stick to topic threads that are simpler and easier for you to grasp. This one is way over your cognitive abilities.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 04:16 pm
we cant expect that PD is taking advise, but I wonder what advise she is getting. her potential liability on
the restaurants is huge, and most everything else will be gone soon.
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 04:21 pm
An of course facts that point the other direction such as her heavy support of Obama during his first run for President...

Deen voted for Obama, for instance, and how could a racist do that? (Some campaign reports from 2008, by the way, try to explain exactly why they could, like the Pennsylvania man who replied to a canvasser, “We’re votin’ for the nigger!”)

Monday, Nov 3, 2008
Racists for Obama

Plenty of white bigots will vote for Barack Obama on Tuesday. There are some things they fear more than black people.

By James Hannaham

So much for that theory of yours...

and her promoting black employees to high positions in her firm ...

I haven't heard any evidence of that. And it definitely did not go on in the restaurant/workplace which is the the subject of this lawsuit. That is one of the allegations in the suit, and PUSH/Rainbow is also investigating that matter as a civil rights issue.

This topic is way over your head. And that impression is reinforced by the irrelevant and flimsy straws you are grasping at.

She and her brother run a restaurant in which they allowed, and contributed to, the racially and sexually inappropriate behavior the employees were subjected to in their workplace.

Whether Paula Deen meets your definition of "a racist" is nothing more than one of your usual strawman/irrelevancies. That's not really what the topic is about. Who cares whether you personally do, or don't, consider Deen a "racist"?

Deen runs her restaurant businesses in a way that allows her employees to be subjected to racially and sexually inappropriate behavior in the workplace. And now other business entities have severed their connections with her because they don't want to be associated with practices like that, or with her brand.

cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 04:55 pm
Ya do'n good, firefly. Show all their weaknesses, straw man and bigotry for others to see.

Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 05:13 pm
Well, going on TV this morning, and sobbing, "I is what I is, and I'm not changing, " didn't help her any.

She just lost Walmart...
In a statement Wednesday afternoon, Walmart said, “We are ending our relationship with Paula Deen Enterprises and we will not place new orders beyond those already committed.” There are currently 215 Paula Deen-branded items on the company’s Web site, from aprons and salad dressings to reading glasses, china and a new line of "finishing butters." ....

Ms. Deen’s merchandise is still sold by Target and Sears. She has a five-book contract with Random House and a lucrative collaboration with Novo Nordisk, endorsing its drug Victoza, that began when she announced in January 2012 that she had Type 2 diabetes. In a statement on Monday, Novo Nordisk said: “We do not condone racial intolerance of any kind and have spoken to Paula about her comments in the deposition. While she takes a more proactive approach to clearing up her comments, our focus will continue to be to provide the best care possible to all of our patients where we work and live."


And Home Depot...
Wednesday evening, a spokesperson for Home Depot confirmed to NBC News that the company will stop carrying Paula Deen-branded items under their kitchen and cookware category as a result of the scandal.

At the very least, she should take a more honest look at what she "is", and consider making some changes. It's too late to save her business empire, but maybe she can keep her sons' businesses from getting caught in her toxic undertow.

And, if she ever stops feeling like the victim, and really understands that language, and attitude, and things like racial/ethnic/gender/sexual orientation slurs, and similar derogatory jokes, are things that are offensive, and have no place in the workplace, she might become a force for good. But, after watching her this morning, I won't hold my breath on that one.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 05:46 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Ya do'n good, firefly. Show all their weaknesses, straw man and bigotry for others to see.

I am assuming both you and firefly are assuming a god like perfection and do not need the new testament forgiven but can cheerfully live under the old testament unforgiving god.

Of course using an n word thirty years ago in relationship to a man who had just held a loader gun at her head is proof positive that she was a racist thirty years ago and still happen to be.

Too sum up you both are real assholes.

Too bad I am an atheist as it would be fun to try to figure out what circle of hell such people as you and Firefly would end up in.
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 05:57 pm
I am assuming both you and firefly are assuming a god like perfection and do not need the new testament forgiven but can cheerfully live under the old testament unforgiving god.

Says the man who dismisses the entire Bible as being "fairy tales"--Laughing Now you're really grasping at straws. Laughing

It really doesn't take "a god like perfection" not to be a bigot, but, from where you sit, it must seem like that to someone like you.
Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2013 10:07 pm
Says the man who dismisses the entire Bible as being "fairy tales

Of course however forgiveness is even in the vocabulary of atheists if not in your vocabulary Firefly.

If must be amazing to be so god like in your perfection that you wish hell you greatly enjoy harming others who fall short of this god like perfection even a thirty years ago imperfection under the stress of having a loaded gun pointed at the lady head.

I must also assume that you are completely blind to your own many many faults even when Hawkeye and I are both being nice enough to keep pointing them out to you.

There's none so blind as those who will not see

cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 27 Jun, 2013 11:38 am
"Nice enough to point them out to you." What a bag of ****! We can only go by what you post on a2k, and my observation tells me you're a racial bigot, and hawk is a owner of a business that allows sexual harassment.

By your own words, you have made it clear who you are. No guessing on my part, because I can cut and paste from both of your posts to prove my point.

I calls em the way I sees em; prove me wrong?
Reply Thu 27 Jun, 2013 01:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
my observation tells me you're a racial bigot, and hawk is a owner of a business that allows sexual harassment.

Yes you guys throw that word around a lot and it would not matter in my opinion if I was as black as a piece of coal and you knew it you would still had used it.

Lovely slur to used the only problem being it does devalue the charge of racism to have assholes like you running around using it for anyone who opinions you do not care for that is connected in any manner with a racial issue.

In the meantime Firefly the queen of all matters concerning race support the lock them up and throw away the keys so call justice system that had resulted in one third of the black adult males in my state not being able to vote as they had felony convictions!
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 27 Jun, 2013 01:05 pm
I don't give a **** what "color" you are. That being said, I will challenge you to prove that I'm wrong. FYI, it's not about color that makes a person a racial bigot.
Reply Thu 27 Jun, 2013 01:48 pm

The New York Times
June 27, 2013
Diabetes Drug Maker Suspends Deal With Deen


The celebrity chef Paula Deen has run into trouble with another major corporate partner: The Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk said Thursday that it would suspend their relationship in the wake of her admission that she used racist language in the past.

The announcement followed Ms. Deen’s news on Wednesday that Home Depot and Walmart would stop selling cookware and other products bearing her name; on Thursday, Target followed suit.

But the suspended partnership with the drug maker is perhaps an even bigger setback: the undoing of an endorsement deal that capped her first scandal.

Ms. Deen, 66, has been the public face of the company’s diabetes medication Victoza since January 2012, when she simultaneously announced that she had Type 2 diabetes and endorsed the drug. The timing set off a storm of criticism that Ms. Deen — whose cookbooks and television shows promote the lavish use of sugar and fat — had misled her fans and acted opportunistically because she had received the diagnosis several months earlier.

In a statement, the company said: “Novo Nordisk and Paula Deen have mutually agreed to suspend our patient education activities for now, while she takes time to focus her attention where it is needed. Novo Nordisk would like to acknowledge Paula’s involvement in our Diabetes in a New Light campaign, where she has helped make many people aware of Type 2 diabetes and the lifestyle changes needed to control this serious disease.”

Although the word “suspend” suggests a possible resumption in the future, a spokesman, Ken Inchausti, wrote in an e-mail that no new marketing materials featuring Ms. Deen would be created, and that “we will begin to evolve our marketing materials towards a new campaign.” For now, Ms. Deen’s likeness and recipes are still on the campaign’s Web site.

The cascade of cancellations has followed the revelation last week that after being sued by a former restaurant employee who charged discrimination, Ms. Deen admitted in a deposition that she had used racial slurs.

Home Depot, unlike Novo Nordisk, did not have a marketing relationship with Ms. Deen; it sold some of her cookware and tableware, produced by Paula Deen Enterprises, on its Web site. A spokesman, Stephen Holmes, confirmed that the company had recently stopped selling her products because of the controversy. As of Thursday morning, the items were no longer available on the site.

Ms. Deen’s merchandise is still sold at Sears and on QVC, which has said it is “reviewing” its ties with her. The Food Network has stopped showing her programs, and Smithfield Foods has dropped her as a spokeswoman.
Reply Thu 27 Jun, 2013 01:53 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't give a **** what "color" you are. That being said, I will challenge you to prove that I'm wrong. FYI, it's not about color that makes a person a racial bigot

No being a bigot/racist just mean by your lights just having an opinion that you do not agree with and that would apply to black as coal members of society as well an anyone else a fact that we seems to be in agreement on. You are more then willing to apply that slur of racism to whoever disagree with you on racial issue no matter what their color happen to be.

No dear heart in any case I will allows my words and more important my life as proof I am not a racist even if I dare to think that a comment make decades ago under the emotional pressure of having a gun pressed to the woman head should not mark her as a racist for the remainder of her life.

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