Europe's Old Disease Returns

Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2004 04:36 pm
Militant Islamists are forming a twisted alliance with Europe's left to spread virulent anti-Semitism that targets both Jews and America.

By Fred Siegel

One of the few certainties of the 20th century was that the apostles of Marxist materialism and the adherents of Muslim theocracy were mortal enemies. In Afghanistan, they went to war. But that was the 20th century.

In the new era, Communist red and Islamist green, joined by more than a dash of Nazi brown, have increasingly forged an anti-liberal alliance that sees Israel and the United States as its common enemies. They all believe, in different ways, that if only the United States and Israel could be destroyed, the world could return to the idyllic harmony that prevailed before Jewish capitalism polluted it.

On both sides of the English Channel, left-wing intellectuals are creating new alliances to promote anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism in the guise of radical politics. This revived and virulent outbreak of an old disease, anti-Semitism, should alarm anyone concerned with the two regions of greatest importance to the United States today, Europe and the Middle East.

What's different about this new outbreak is that it's not only afflicting the usual suspects on the right: neo-Nazis, skinheads, and ultra-nationalists. Rather, it features an unholy marriage of the discredited old European left and the disaffected Islamist militants in Europe's diaspora of 17 million Muslims. It is also tethered to rising anti-Americanism, adding to its potency and making it a double danger to Western values. Left unchecked, the new scourge can undermine key relationships like the trans-Atlantic alliance and contribute to the quotient of world terrorism.

The key political vehicle for the new outbreak of anti-Semitism in Europe is support for the Palestinian position against Israel. As noted by Gabriel Schoenfeld in The Return of Anti-Semitism, there's a twisted logic in the European and American left-wing hostility to Israel: The more terrorism committed by the Palestinians, the more sympathy they receive, because vicious attacks on Israeli citizens are taken as ex post facto proof of Israeli oppression.

Starting in October 2000 -- the beginning of the second intifada -- the number of anti-Semitic incidents, statements, and media characterizations in Europe has risen steadily. In France, for instance, 20 Jewish schools and synagogues have been targets of arson or firebombing in the past three years. In Germany, anti-Semitic incidents -- including speech -- rose from 150 in 2001 to 1,594 in 2002.

Worse, the new anti-Semitism has acquired a new respectability -- a kind of "salon anti-Semitism" that is found among "left-liberal elites in the media, churches, universities and trades unions," as University of Essex lecturer Paul Iganski has noted. Being opposed to Israeli policy has become an easy excuse for being opposed to Jews; and, after 9/11 and the U.S.-led war on terror, opposing U.S. policy easily slid into being anti-American (and anti-Americanism is often a cover for anti-Semitism, as we shall see). The anti-Semitic trend had become alarming enough by early 2002 that the European Union commissioned a report on the problem.

The EU's controversial report, "Manifestations of Anti-Semitism in the European Union," landed like a bombshell. It noted that some of the insults, attacks, and acts of vandalism (against synagogues, schools, and cemeteries) came from the usual suspects on the right, and that some of the violence was committed by young, poor Arabs. But it fingered two other groups: Europe's left and militant Islamists.

Delivered in late 2002, the EU report was immediately shelved, left unpublished, and put under wraps. Only after the 105-page document was leaked to the press in 2003 and was posted on Daniel Cohn-Bendit's Web site, were the reasons clear: EU officials feared that it was politically incorrect to blame Muslims, and old lefties, for something so long associated with fascism, Nazis, and the far right.

But the bureaucrats needn't have worried. The players themselves are making the newfound dalliance between left-wing red and Islamist green plain enough, and public enough, that only the blind cannot see what is happening. In Britain, noted members of the press and political establishments have not shied from anti-Semitic utterances in heated times. Jenny Tonge, a Liberal Democratic member of Parliament, announced that she found the Israelis so beastly that if she were a Palestinian, she "too would become a suicide bomber." Tam Dalyell, a senior Labor politician and Parliament's longest-serving member, decried the influence of what he called a "Jewish cabal" on British foreign policy (several of Prime Minister Tony Blair's advisers, including the foreign secretary, are of Jewish descent).

The leading left-leaning British media, too, have kept up a steady stream of commentary, reporting, and actions with an anti-Semitic tinge. The BBC, which has contractual and personnel ties with the Arab satellite broadcaster, Al-Jazeera, was quick last January to fire Robert Kilroy-Silk, a longtime television commentator who wrote a newspaper column asking why Westerners should admire societies that, among other things, produce "suicide bombers, limb amputators, women repressors." But the BBC didn't even bother to censure Tom Paulin, another network commentator who, in an interview with an Egyptian newspaper, said that "Brooklyn-born Jews" living on the West Bank "should be shot dead."

In arguments once made mainly by the Nazis or the Muslim Brotherhood, the Guardian and Independent newspapers regularly depict the United States as under the sinister control of the Jewish lobby. Typical of this trope is a piece by Robert Fisk in a 2002 edition of the Independent. Fisk argued, at 3,600-word length, that Jewish money essentially controls the U.S. Congress.

And last year, the Independent showed how far it is willing to go by publishing a gruesome cartoon of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon about to eat the head of a Palestinian baby -- a play on the historical libel that Jews killed and ate Christian babies. The cartoonist said the caricature was a parody of a ghoulish Goya painting -- but the average reader had no way of knowing this. The drawing won first prize in Britain's annual cartoon competition, triggering ferocious controversy.

Across the Channel in France, a surge of anti-Semitic incidents accompanied the growing violence in Palestine and Israel after the rejection, in 2001, of President Clinton's peace plan. Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin -- his eyes then firmly planted on the forthcoming elections -- responded to the arson of a synagogue with the comment that the French police could hardly be expected to protect Jews wherever they went. President Jacques Chirac, a longtime ally and business associate of Saddam Hussein, insisted that "there is no anti-Semitism and no anti-Semites in France."

The official line, echoed by virtually every French politician, was that the attacks were just juvenile delinquency. But as the violent anti-Jewish incidents mounted and France came under American and Israeli pressure, Chirac eventually acknowledged the existence of a problem. Still, he could not bring himself to directly criticize the thuggery behind the violence, much of it perpetrated by Muslim youths. Chirac eventually won the election, but not until the far right candidate, Jean-Marie Le Pen, and the far left parties, including Trotskyites, received a combined total of 43 percent of the vote in the election's first round.

The most dramatic example of the conjoining of the hard left and Middle East extremism can be found in a French prison -- in the person of Carlos the Jackal, the most famous terrorist of the 1970s. Born Illich Ramirez Sanchez in Venezuela, Carlos led numerous terrorist attacks in the name of the Palestinian cause and other revolutionary undertakings; he is now serving a life sentence. Once a convinced Marxist-Leninist, he has converted to Islam on the grounds that "only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy" the United States and its allies. In a book he managed to sneak out of prison and publish on the first anniversary of 9/11, Carlos lauds Osama bin Laden and praises "revolutionary Islam" as the only route to just societies.

Behind the incessant drumbeat, intensified after 9/11, lies a political program based on a relentlessly negative meld of anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism, and anti-globalism. For the ideologues of the BBC, the Guardian, and other leading European journals -- all 1968ers come to power -- the past quarter-century has been an era of crushing disappointment. Once they placed their faith in Third World liberation movements abroad and a state-run economy at home. But both failed. Repeatedly cuckolded by history, they were increasingly defined by their hostilities rather than their hopes.

This coalition of shared resentments, already visible in Belgium (where an alliance of Muslim and Maoist parties jointly contested for parliamentary seats in 2003), was given a British coming-out party last November. A coalition of Marxist and Muslim groups organized a massive protest in London against the policies of Blair and President Bush, who was visiting.

The main organizers were Andrew Murray, a former employee of the Soviet news agency, and Mohammed Aslam Ijaz, of the London Council of Mosques. The biggest cheers were for George Galloway, the mustachioed MP from Glasgow who had recently been expelled from the Labour Party for his ties to Saddam Hussein. With his Palestinian wife at his side, Galloway used the rally to launch his plans for a new party to contest British and European elections on behalf of this new coalition.

The European left's new embrace of anti-Semitism should not have been a great surprise. Except for the Nazi period, it has for well over a century been the left in Europe that has promoted anti-Semitic ideas and canards -- an old and virulent tradition that antedates fascism and Nazism. The mid-19th century French anarchist Pierre Proudhon, a figure of enduring influence, advocated "either sending back the Jews to Asia or exterminating them."

And Noam Chomsky's diatribes against Israel and the United States are mild compared with Karl Marx's anti-Semitism in "On the Jewish Question," published in 1843. In language that anticipates José Bové and the worst of the anti-globalists, Marx insists, "emancipation from usury and money, that is, from practical, real Judaism, would constitute the emancipation of our time." Marx descended from a line of Jewish rabbis, but his father converted the family to Protestantism; Marx, the son, later managed to come up with some of the ugliest anti-Semitic coinages. When he wanted to denigrate his rival, political philosopher Ferdinand Lassalle, he called him a "Jew Nigger."

After World War II Stalin alleged the existence of a "Doctors' Plot," masterminded by Jews to advance American interests and undermine the Soviet economy by poisoning top Soviet leaders. It was only Stalin's timely death in 1953 that prevented him from carrying out his reported plans to deport 2 million Jews to Siberia.

When overt anti-Semitism temporarily lost its respectability right after World War II, Nazi anti-Semitism was transplanted to the Arab and Islamic worlds. Arafat's predecessor as the leader of the Palestinians, Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, was a great admirer of Hitler and spent part of World War II in Berlin doing radio propaganda and promising that an Islamic jihad could both defeat the West and exterminate the Jews. The Mufti's fellow Islamic radical, Sayeed Qutb, the intellectual godfather of al Qaeda, merged Nazi, anti-American and Islamic themes into what became bin Ladenism.

The transfer of an essentially Nazi ideology into Islamist hatred of Jews reached its purest form on 9/11. The thinking of Mohammed Atta, the terrorist ringleader, echoed directly the Nazis' and Qutb's obsessions. Atta believed that "Jews control America" and that "Americans want to take over the world so Jews can amass capital," according a member of Atta's inner circle in Hamburg, who testified at the trial of another member. Said another: "Atta's world view was based on an anti-Semitic and anti-American position. His views had a Nazi framework. World Jewry was for him enemy number one. He considered New York to be the center of world Jewry."

Now the old anti-Semitism is back. In 2003, an EU poll showed that 60 percent of its citizens felt that Israel was the greatest threat to world peace -- a sure sign of rising anti-Semitism, according to most European observers. "It's nearly as bad as it was in the 1930s," said U.S. Ambassador to the EU Rockwell Schnabel in February. But Europeans are in denial; they view the new anti-Semitic outbursts as a fringe phenomenon of the loony left and of alienated youths of the marginalized Muslim communities.

Fortunately, there are some Europeans -- mostly feminists, not incidentally -- who have spoken out against the continent's virulent anti-Zionism. They've labeled it de facto European outsourcing of anti-Semitism to the Arabs. Ilke Schroeder, a German member of the European Parliament, has led a group of 135 European parliamentarians in speaking out against the EU's indirect funding of Palestinian terrorism. She's criticized the EU for giving Arafat 10 million euros a month, no questions asked.

Like the old Soviet Union, the alliance of hate speaks of anti-racism, anti-colonialism, and anti-imperialism even as it advances its own racist, colonial, and imperialist goals. But Europeans should understand, as Schroeder warns, that they're likely to be burned by the fires they're kindling. Careless resort to the old anti-Semitic libels fuels an engine that, with a Muslim birth rate in Western Europe three times as high as the non-Muslim one, can soon lurch out of control.

Americans, too, should keep a vigilant eye on the troubling trend and have no qualms about speaking out against it. We do our transatlantic cousins no favors by giving them a pass on their new indulgence of an old weakness.

Fred Siegel, a professor at The Cooper Union, is culture editor.

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Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2004 04:46 pm
Canada is having this problem as well. While i was there this weekend, there was news that anti-semitism is spreading in a most disturbing way. There had been anti-Jewish slurs spray painted on synagogues, and vandalism; then, a mosque had been set afire in one of the Toronto suburbs, and anti-muslim slogans spray painted there, and the words "Jesus rules." That constitutes true anti-semitism, if the acts of vanalism are related, because they are targeting Jews and Muslims.
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Reply Tue 30 Mar, 2004 05:08 pm
In Denver the same thing has begun. Sad
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Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 10:44 am
Last Update: 31/03/2004 16:04
EU report sees anti-Semitism on rise []
By Reuters

STRASBOURG, France - Attacks on Jews have increased in several European Union states, especially in France, with the main perpetrators young, white males, an EU report said on Wednesday.
The report by the European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) contrasted with controversial findings of a Berlin study last year which blamed young Arabs and Muslims predominantly for rising anti-Semitism.

"There has been an increase in anti-Semitic incidents in five EU countries," the EUMC said, citing Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Britain and Germany. "Although it is not easy to generalize, the largest group of perpetrators...appears to be young, disaffected white Europeans."

"A further source of anti-Semitism in some countries was young Muslims of North African or Asian extraction. Traditionally anti-Semitic groups on the extreme right played a part in stirring opinion," it said.

By far the biggest rise in anti-Semitic violence was reported in France, where the number of incidents rose sixfold in 2002 over the previous year.

Jewish organizations accused the European Commission of anti-Semitism after the EUMC, an independent EU agency, at first refused to issue the Berlin study amid accusations it was loath to single out Muslim immigrants and pro-Palestinian groups.

Growing violence
The Commission and the Jewish groups later resolved their differences and held a joint conference in January on fighting anti-Semitism. The EUMC also released the Berlin researchers' report, although with a disclaimer.

The new report, based on research by EUMC units in member states on anti-Semitic incidents for the years 2002 and 2003, recorded in France 313 racist, xenophobic or anti-Semitic incidents in 2002, of which 193 were directed at the Jewish community - six times more than in 2001.

The number of incidents in Belgium doubled, including the fire-bombing of Jewish property and serious physical assaults.

In Germany, the number of anti-Semitic acts fell in 2002, but those involving violence rose from 18 in 2001 to 28 in 2002.

In Sweden, anti-Semitic crimes remained at constant levels over the last few years. Several countries, including Ireland and Portugal, had few incidents.

Acts of anti-Semitism were rare in Greece, Austria, Italy and Spain, but the EUMC said anti-Semitic discourse in these countries was "particularly virulent" in daily life.

Although the EUMC said its findings had identified two broad groups behind anti-Semitic acts, it said it was difficult to generalize too much as the data were patchy.

It's been 60 years since the European holocaust I suppose it is time for the inbred European anti-Semitism to come to the surface again. 1500 years of preaching from the pulpits have left their stain.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 12:53 pm
"While the number of anti-Semitic incidents in the United States is virtually unchanged since 2002, the levels continue to be disturbing and unacceptable. In addition, the controversy over Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ" elicited a barrage of hate mail filled with ugly anti-Semitism. These messages, though not included in the total count, are an indication of the anti-Semitic feelings stirred as a result of the Jewish concerns about the film."

ADL Poll: One in Four Americans Believe Jews Were Responsible for the Death of Christ

New York, NY, February 23, 2004 … On the eve of the release of Mel Gibson's controversial film "The Passion of the Christ," a poll commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has found that one in four Americans believe that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus.

A national poll of 1,200 American adults conducted December 1-4, 2003 by The Marttila Communications Group of Boston found that 25 percent of those surveyed accepted the statement, "Do you think that Jews were responsible for the death of Christ?" as being "probably true." The poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percent.

"We are extremely concerned that one out of four Americans accepts the notion that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director. "While we cannot predict what impact Mel Gibson's film will have on audiences, it is troubling that so many Americans already accept the notion of Jewish guilt. We are concerned that Mr. Gibson's film - with its unambiguous blaming of the Jews - will not only reinforce those views, but could exacerbate the problem by convincing even more people that his version of the story of the Crucifixion is Gospel truth."

full article


ADL Audit Finds Anti-Semitic Incidents Remain Constant; More Than 1,500 Incidents Reported Across U.S. in 2003

New York, NY, March 24, 2004 … The number of anti-Semitic incidents remained at a consistent and disturbing level in 2003, according to newly released statistics from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The annual ADL Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents, issued today, counted a total of 1,557 anti-Semitic incidents across the United States in 2003, as compared with 1,559 incidents reported in 2002.

"Though the number of anti-Semitic incidents has remained virtually unchanged in the United States, the levels continue to be disturbing and unacceptable," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, and author of Never Again? The Threat of the New Anti-Semitism. "While we take comfort that America has not witnessed the kind of raw manifestations of anti-Jewish hatred that has plagued parts of Europe and other nations in recent years, there is a consistent wellspring of anti-Semitic activity in the United States that continues to concern Jewish communities."

full article

In (almot all) EU-countries, anti-semistic speech doesn't fell under the "freedom of speech" but is prosecuted as a crime.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 01:01 pm
I believe that most of these articles are grossly misleading and the anti-semitism wave is mostly invented and fed by the media themselves. While attacks on Jews are increasing, it cannot be isolated and viewed without placing it into the context. Jews are but one of the groups attacked, and other groups are targeted much more, be it Gypsies, Turks, immigrants in general, you name it. There was an insightful article by Bruce Konwiser in the Prague Post sometimes in November. I may fish it out and post it here.
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Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 02:56 pm
The fact that others groups are targeted, particularly Gipsies who were subjected to the horror of the holocaust along with the Jews does not make anti-Semitism any more palatable. It's similar to being told we will gas you but don't feel so bad because we are going to gas others as well. I have a friend who has relatives who live in France. The told him that anti-Semitism is on the rise. As far as the Turks are concerned IMO the Europeans will sooner or later have to deal with the ever increasing Moslem populations in Europe.
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Craven de Kere
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:03 pm
au1929 wrote:

It's been 60 years since the European holocaust I suppose it is time for the inbred European anti-Semitism to come to the surface again.

Au's racism on display again.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:15 pm
au1929 wrote:
As far as the Turks are concerned IMO the Europeans will sooner or later have to deal with the ever increasing Moslem populations in Europe.

Could you explain this a bit.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:19 pm
AU, all i said is that media takes it out of context. period.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:23 pm
If you knew what you were talking about you would be dangerous. The Jews have be subjected to massacre, genocide, pragroms and etc. for over a thousand years at the hand of European Christianity. If making note of it is racism what would you call the actions of the Europeans?
How many of your co-religionists and relatives have suffered and continue to suffer at their hands. If anyone is a racist it is you since you seem not to want to come to grips with reality. It is time to stop the BS.
In addition try conforming to the rules of your forum. You call me a racist and I call you a half baked a$$ hole.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:31 pm

Craven did not call you a racist.

He called part of your post "racism", and as he pointed out the very phrase "in-bred European" is the very definition of racism -- i.e. it is attributing a negative quality to a particular race in a very broad manner.

Name-calling is unwarranted.

In this type of forum, commenting on an idea, or a statement is reasonable. Calling a person a name is not.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:31 pm
Your generalising behavior, au, when calling as Europeans to have an "inbred anti-Semitism" is ... what, please, if not racism?
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:36 pm
Did you all read this article before giving the the respect of a reply?

It is basically saying that "criticizing the United States and Israel" constitutes anti-semitism.

Pure BS!

P.S. Responses that accept this type of militant propaganda from people whose posts I usually respect really bother me.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:38 pm
Between the decreasing birth rate of Europeans and the immigration and high birth rate of people from the Moslem countries discrimination against the Turks or any the Moslem will be difficult indeed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:42 pm
I would like to note that i simply commented on a rising anit-semitism (genuine--as being directed at both Jews and Muslims) commented upon in Canada (the information was from the CBC news program, "The National"). That does not imply either that i failed to read and understand the original post, or that i endorse that article.

Fortunately, for me at least, i don't rely upon other members to determine for me that which is or is not worthy of a reply.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:49 pm
You are I am sorry to say incorrect. I have a history with Craven when it comes to his name calling. I should have nipped it in the bud when it first started. I guess he feels that since he generated the forum he does not have to abide by it's rules.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:54 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
Did you all read this article before giving the the respect of a reply?

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 03:57 pm
au1929 wrote:
Between the decreasing birth rate of Europeans and the immigration and high birth rate of people from the Moslem countries discrimination against the Turks or any the Moslem will be difficult indeed.

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Reply Wed 31 Mar, 2004 04:03 pm
When I used the words Inbred anti-Semitism I was referring to the anti-Semitism preached on almost every pulpit, in Europe for about 1500 years. Do you think those feelings and beliefs were erased by the Holocaust? I do not the just lay dormant and again are coming to the forefront.
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