I'm not a graphic artist but I have been dragged into designing a logo and some T-shirts for a sports team.
The initials of the league are WYF. So I designed the "Y" to look like goal posts, complete with a ball going through the goalpost. The "Y", to me, not only looks like a goalpost but like a referee signaling a touchdown. It has the league name spelled out beneath it.
Everyone liked it, amateur as it is (hey, you get what you pay for).
Then they asked me to come up with some T-shirt designs. I've been working on a few ideas but I'm worried that they logo looks too much like "WTF".
I like it in a tongue in cheek sort of way but I'm worried people would be offended.
Here's a rough draft of one idea:
Is it too WTFish? Okay or not okay?