Thomas writes:
Quote:This suggests a new answer to the question of this thread: "Can someone explain why many act like atheism is a religion?" The answer is that people like to imagine their opponents as people who think more or less like themselves. Therefore they find it easier to think of atheists as adherents to a competing religion, not as people who deny the very idea of religion.
I'm sure there are some who do think that way, but in my experience that would be a tiny minority. I think the reason atheism looks like its own religion is that so many athiests seem so eager to point out that they are atheists, so eager to remove any evidence of 'other' religious belief from public view, and seem to be so eager to assign uncomplimentary terms such as 'deluded' or 'fanatical' or 'superstitious' to religious belief and sometimes religious believers. It's sort of along the lines of 'methinks they protest too much' that suggests an ideological agenda that is more than simply not believing.
It is not that different from those Christians or Moslems or Jews or whatever that call radio shows quoting scripture or some interpretation of scripture as 'proof' of their point of view about this or that. (These embarrass others of their faith by the way.) But you get the impression there is an ideological agenda there that is more than simply believing.