(n.) One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being.
(n.) A godless person.
Webster's 1913 Dictionary
Definition: \A"the*ist\, n. [Gr. ? without god; 'a priv. + ? god:
cf. F. ath['e]iste.]
1. One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or
supreme intelligent Being.
2. A godless person. [Obs.]
Definition: Atheism is
a) the disbelief in the existence of God or any other deity, or
b) the doctrine that there is neither god nor any other deity. (1)
The word comes from two Greek word roots: a , which means "not," and theos , which means "god."
I've spent a lot of time just getting these, largely because i specifically avoided either sites which praise or promote "atheism," as well as sites which praise or promote theism. That means i had to look at seven pages of hits to find three sites which were not either atheist or theist sites. The second definition comes from a site which promotes so much advertising that everytime i tried to copy the url, i got the url of the latest ad pop-up, which is why i did not list a source.
Note the use of the crucial word "or." It is not axiomatic that an atheist denies the existence of god, and certainly not
a priori. As i have pointed out, i am only an atheist by
a posteriori definition. The contention of our resident agnostic evangelizer, PS, that she is using some sort of standard and universal definition is self-serving crap. She is using a definition which conveniently supports her argument, and has consistently at this site, over a period of months, willfully confused the atheist, someone who does not believe in god (and absent more information, that is all which can be stated with certainty) and atheism, which is an ideological stance which denies the existence of god. Note also, that the denial of the existence of god is the alternative in each of these definitions, to the initial definition of disbelief in god. Refusing to believe someone else's fairy tale about supernatural beings is simply that--disbelief. It is not the making of a claim which requires proof. PS is either stupendously naive, or is being willfully disingenuous by trying to claim that there is a standard definition of atheist which
only entails a statement that there are no gods, and therefore obliges the atheist to prove a claim. Even were that the case, a claim that supernatural beings exist is an extraordinary claim, obliging the claimant to provide proof. A denial of such a claim entails no such obligation.
The specific topic of this thread is why some (and by no means all) atheists act as though atheism were a religion. For some, perhaps, it is a belief system which is equivalent to religion. This by no means authorizes the specious and self-serving contention that all atheists are adherents of a belief system equivalent to religion. PS is either playing fast and loose with the truth, because she can't handle the idea that her evangelizing agnosticism might be wrong; or, she is so naive as to actually believe that atheists can be so narrowly described as her simple-minded definitions would imply.