My point was the Universe is not the classical perpetual motion machine in the sense things in it do lose energy and evaporate as the entropy goes up...ideally the best possible imaginable perpetual motion machine would be one which did not really move but rather that "created", manifested is better, the illusion of motion...a finite cycling Universe although in perpetual motion is dead in the sense it doesn't gain or lose information. It does not move out of itself, it just juggles around. A perpetual motion machine does not really move, it does not lose energy, and it doesn't holistically transform reality into something else. Cycling is a trick on which information is de localized from A to B but not truly gain or lost in the system at large.
Has for the second question given the starter here is motion itself what set motion at work without moving anything ?...
...the finite collection which does not grow informationally speaking and yet moves around itself was my sort of answer. Motion itself moves stuff but it does not move its nature. At a fundamental level something must always be an eternal given which itself does not move.
Hope I made enough sense, its late here...