Arjunakki wrote:
if we keep this nonsense up children will be responsible for their parents financial debts too, even though they had nothing to do with there creation. you all might want to think through this theory "my fathers sins are my own" before you start running around mouthing "I am sorrys" to the offspring of everyone you think your forefathers wronged.
I think the offspring should apologize for the sins of the father, especially so if they have benefitted materially in some way. Also, what's wrong with apologizing when we recognize a wrong has been committed. It doesn't diminish the apologizer in any way and just might enhance his credibility.
If I thawt that my ancestors had done something obnoxious,
I might be interested in repudiating it, not to be condemned.
For instance, when I have visited the South,
I have admitted (when asked) to being a New Yorker,
but I pointed out that I do not endorse the unConstitutional invasion
of the Southern States, after thay withdrew from the union,
in furtherance of their rights under the 10th Amendment.
I did not actually have any ancestors in the Civil War
and I tell them that, too, so as not to be blamed for the Northern invasion.
Shud I apologize? Maybe give them a few
$$ for reparations? Is it too late ?