Olivier5 wrote:
Quote:Tell me what sources exist that record events as they were happening
You're talking of a chronicle. I am not aware of any such thing in all antiquity, about any subject, event or person. Maybe paper was just too rare, back then or the literary genre did not exist yet. Even J. Ceasar's commentaries on the Gallic war were written after the facts. The first chronicles I'm aware of are from the middle ages.
You keep wanting to dodge the point.
If the events that Jesus supposedly is credited with happened then why are there not first hand recorded accounts during the time shortly after they occurred. Why do none appear until 40 years after the events take place?
Both the greeks and the romans recorded events that were happening during Jesus's time. If he really was a "magical" man surely greeks or romans would have written about him or these strange events. Absolutely NONE did. You don't get any writings appear until 40 years after the events occurred and these records are not even first hand accounts.
It would be like you sitting in some field and all of a sudden a UFO flies towards you and lands. An alien gets out and speaks to you in a language you can't understand. Then gets back in and leaves. However; you don't actually tell anyone or record these events but wait 40 years and then it is not even you who records it but instead a person who hears it from another source that you eventually tell the story to.
Why didn't you say anything about this happening when they actually occurred? Why would you wait 40 years before telling anyone? How do you know the person who eventually records the events got the details right? Since it is not a first hand account, did the person they heard it from tell it correctly?
This seems bizarre when you take into consideration the events that he is credited with. Neither romans nor greeks recorded anything yet they were around and loved to record strange and peculiar events all the time.