SCoates wrote:I think we're trying to define different meanings of the same word. Portal, your definition of craft is true, in one sense of the word. But there is an entire branch of art that is deemed art in almost a derogative sense, almost to say "It is a craft, because it does not qualify as art." The history of the word is an entirely different thing that the way I hear it commonly used.
By pretending you are better than someone else you can charge more. Those snooty art elites are snooty out of necessity to seperate themselves - in order to appear better. It is silly to superimpose a hierarchy on ideas and media - it is the execution that makes all the difference.
I frequently hear people snobbing craft, or various art movements that are currently not in heyday. Maybe this is an extension of playground phenomena? You become cool by deciding what is not cool?
It is not something I partake in, I try to appreciate things for what they are - a beautiful cabinet is a beautiful cabinet, a beautiful painting is a beautiful painting. That doesn't make one better than the other by way of being a cabinet or a painting. They can be more succesful at doing different things. A painting may have more color sensitivity, convey more meaning. Put just try putting your stuff inside of a painting. Similarly, a painting is likely not going to have nice, skilled woodcarving in it.
Any subjective quality judgements I make are just that - subjective.