Not every Woody opus is nutty -- he did once say that if his films make just one person miserable, he has suceeded. I suppose he does expose that we all are a little nuts in interacting with each other.
I'll have some macadamias, please.
chocolate, salt coated or plain?
Lightwizard wrote:I suppose he does expose that we all are a little nuts in interacting with each other.
As, I conjecture, might opine some of this forum and its participants.
Uh....yeah,that's the way I figgah'.
There's pleasantly nutty and unpleasantly nutty as in crackpot. Even crackpots learn how to use a computer!
Hmmm...He couldn't be talking about me, I'm nutty, but I'm too damn lovable to be unpleasant....Er...right guys?
er..right guys....anybody?....Y'all just gonna' leave a brother hangin'...that's cold....
You all been having fun over here!
yes, Booman - you are nutty but too damn loveable to be unpleasant .....better now?
Whew!....Thanks Dlowan....You like me, you really like me!
I wonder how Woody might handle the "Dualing Anthems" scene ... perhaps a dance number?
It's a wonder that Woody hasn't turned his sights on films like "Casablanca" -- he certainly has enjoyed spoofing Ingmar Bergman!
Timberlandko brings to mind the spoof of the Anthems in Neil Simon's "The Cheap Detective, - Louise Fletcher and Fernando Lamas in the Bergman and Henreid roles and Peter Falk as Bogart. I thought it was hilarious.
I had forgotten about that, not having seen the film for over ten years. Thanks, Raggedy. Another film on my list.
I guess I'm pretty late with this comment. I just got around to watching the film after not having seen it for a while.
I think that the older I get the more I appreciate it. When I think of how fragile love is, how infrequently we find real love, and know it without doubt, it only magnifies, in my mind, the loss that Rick and Elsa must have felt as they parted.
I expect that if I go back to it in a couple of years, I'll like it even better.