Sat 27 Mar, 2004 06:30 am
hope i can improve my handwriting with your help.
thank you!
Go, max-yc! Go...go...go! You can do it!!
How old are you?
It's virtually impossible to do after a certain age. I was listening to a forensic handwriting specialist. He said it's very difficult to people past teenage years to do. The sworls, length and depth of letters, phrasing of each person is unique and is fine tuned in our brains from an early age.
But it can be done, somewhat if you practice a lot. Look for styles you want to incorporate. A fancy f, or a slant, the size of the letters, shape - copy and practice, practice, practice.
Well, I am more than 20 years old. What a pity..
Are you talking about legible printing, nice every day handwriting, cursive, or calligraphy? What do you want this for?
I just talking about every day handwriting and calligraphy..
Thank you Portal Star !
you helped me alot .