Fri 26 Mar, 2004 05:13 pm
I read a fluff piece some time ago about celebrity chefs and their celberity mates. One bubblehead mentioned that she finds it really sexy to come home and see mise en place in 'her' kitchen. For those not in the know, mise en place is basically the assembly of ingredients for a particular dish, prepared ahead for maximum efficiency when cooking. It's part of the job, and generally results in a dirty kitchen. Wimmins...I need to mise en place in 'your' kitchen really that sexy?
Well, if it means I don't have to cook, and I am fond of the cook, and it isn't dirty, just with things in place, and I liked the meal - sure...
I guess I would depend on what the mise en place was. If for example, it was chocolate, and strawberrys, whipping creams, get the drift. Hell ya!
I'se confused again. I thought it was getting stuff ready ahead of time. Since I am a wimmin, that means the dishes are at least in the sink or even washed already, what are you whining with the "dirty kitchen", eh, eh?
Trust me, in my life I have never come home to a kitchen with dinner ingredients already chopped, and mopped. Not to complain, my ex did cook sometimes, and had a real gift for it. If I cooked, he cleaned, and vice versa. Worked out for a bunch of years.
But, to the point, the sexuality of mise en place, surely I am missing something. Maybe I am missing the raspberries.
I'se confused again. I thought it was getting stuff ready ahead of time. Since I am a wimmin, that means the dishes are at least in the sink or even washed already, what are you whining with the "dirty kitchen", eh, eh?
Trust me, in my life I have never come home to a kitchen with dinner ingredients already chopped, and mopped. Not to complain, my ex did cook sometimes, and had a real gift for it. If I cooked, he cleaned, and vice versa. Worked out for a bunch of years.
But, to the point, the sexuality of mise en place, surely I am missing something. Maybe I am missing the raspberries.
Oh, of course ossobuco, dishes are always either in the sink or washed. I'm as confused as you are as to the 'sexiness' of mise en place. It's just food. I remember in chefs school that some students had a fondness for dipping into other students' mise en place to snack. I found that disgusting, especially as they always used their filthy hands. Maybe that's why I am missing out on this trend. We have a friend who was seduced by a brilliant chef, with expectations of fabulous dinners at home every night. Big a lot of chefs, after work, all he wanted to do was sit in front of the TV and eat Cheetos.
For years I have done most of the cooking. Mrs edgarblythe always worked and for 17 years was a baker. I saw no cause to ask her to cook once she was home. I am no chef, but my meals are at least nourishing and adequate. Mise en place is something never practiced in my home, as I always believed food retained its taste and nutritional value better, in general, if left intact up until cooking time.
I do all the cooking in my house. All the hubby is capable of making is Mac and Cheese out of a box.
The sexiest cook on TV is Emeril Lagasse. When he says 'yeah, babe', I melt.
Like Ceilti said, I guess it would depend on what the mise en place was. Also, there's
nothing better than presenting my hubby with raspberries and whipped cream served in the appropriate dish! :wink:
personally, walking into the 'bedroom', and finding everything "mise en place" i find VERY sexy!
cav - if you wanna meet some women who are, to be polite, passionate about mise en place, go hang out at Cooks Talk. They can be kinda super-freak about food prep there.
My husband and I take turns cooking; he cooks almost as good as I do. After working all day it's nice to come home to a fully prepared meal, however, I've never thought of it as sexy, unless you count the time....
it's apparently the sight of all the little, and big, matching bowls with all the bits of measured out herbs and spices and prepped major ingredients, and the matching cookware and stunning appliances. Gets them warm.
ehBeth, it's those kinds of women that keep me away from most food forums. They creep me out.
Aww Ceili, you don't creep me out. Almost everybody finds strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate sexy. However, for me, the passion is on the finished plate, not in the bowls. Strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate are fine and dandy, but strawberry sorbet on a shortcake with vanilla-bean creme fraiche, strawberry compote and chocolate filigree is even better.
cavfancier wrote:ehBeth, it's those kinds of women that keep me away from most food forums. They creep me out.
may be, but the recipes you can pick up there (CT) are in.bleepin'.credible. a number of them are chefs, cookbook authors and professional recipe testers. There's a woman, originally from Ottawa, then did some time in Toronto, now living in Greece - she sources and tests Mediterranean recipes for books ... amaaaaaazing!
cavfancier wrote:Aww Ceili, you don't creep me out. Almost everybody finds strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate sexy. However, for me, the passion is on the finished plate, not in the bowls. Strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate are fine and dandy, but strawberry sorbet on a shortcake with vanilla-bean creme fraiche, strawberry compote and chocolate filigree is even better.

Cav; no, no, nooooooooooo!
you can't miss out on the 'foreplay'!!!