Thu 18 Apr, 2013 10:07 am
A2K search function has failed me 100% for a decade.
When I tried some key words my old threads. For example, I searched "Christians all too often come across as arrogant," A2K would showed no result. But when I put it in Google and click to search, the particular thread of mine in able2know would jump to front and anything was okay!
The question is: How to Use A2K Search Properly?
I can't answer your question because the search engine works for me ... part of the time. Probably more then 50 or 60% of the time, I get the thread I'm looking for.
The strange thing is ... I believe that Google is the foundation for the site specific search engine.
the search function will be
revamped someday.
in the meantime, using google is the best way to search for a post -- that's how i found this Robert post from 2008...
Quote:Google is the foundation for the site specific search engine.
it is, but for some strange reason it doesn't work as well as straight googling...
I'm fairly successful at searching with the small Search word up in the right hand corner - the search that involves google. The biggest problem I have is remembering quite specifically what I am searching for and adding the right words. I haven't resorted to google as such in at least a year, but I'll agree it probably is better.
I use the bigger search window on the New Pages page to find whole categories, for example, dogs.