Your Quote:
Maybe I begin to understand your theism. So you are saying much of what Jesus said about judgement, life after death, eternal life, etc. was mythology and fairytales.
Not criticizing you for it, just wanted to understand your POV. Yours does have the advantage of garnering less ridicule.
I do think some of the literature in the bible is far out, or far from reality that is, angels? dead people coming alive? virgins giving birth etc etc. Sometimes I may view such literature as metaphors, allegories or mythology depending on how the verses are written.
I am aware of the existence of illusionists or magicians in our modern world that earn a living entertaining us. But to assume that its all for real would be rather silly.
So my focus on biblical literature is more on the moral content rather than the magical stuff.
I don't care much about ridicule or what other people think of me as a Christian, I only care what God and Lord Jesus thinks. Things are different when you give your allegiance only to God and Lord Jesus because you don't care what anyone thinks, even my own parents, however I do love them.
A lot of ridiculing people like to think they are up there and perfect, but I know they are just dreaming. Only God is perfect.
I was drawn to Christianity because of the morality and humanitarianism of Lord Jesus, not the magical stuff.
I don't deny that there is a lot of mythological literature and existence issues surrounding Lord Jesus, but they are the least of my worries. Aspiring to good positive things like Lord Jesus and God is most important to me.
The mind is a fragile piece of software, if you fill it up with negative bad stuff, you're end up in predicaments you wish never existed. I was a negative thinking time-bomb before I became a Christian. I don't ever want to go back there again.
Christianity for me is about the power of good positive thinking and ethics...