@reasoning logic,
Is just a matter of making an introspection to realize and be aware of your nature as a human being, for instance: from the atom to the human beings, and everything in between; are endowed with the survival instinct. That makes us assess the danger of a situation and drives us away from it, right? it's a simple principle. As well our survival instinct doesn't just possess the ability to assess the danger of a situation instinctively, but it possess the ability to assess the convenience of a situation as well. right? that's another basic principle of how our survival instinct operates.
Now, when we're talking about human beings; the thing gets complicated. We don't just possess the abilities that the survival instinct provides us, but also; one of the intrinsic components of our nature as human beings is that we're essentially emotional beings, which exponentially amplifies sensations and perceptions, which gives us the ability to reason and think, which gives us at the same time the ability to analyze and assess how something is going to affect us and at the same time it gives us the ability to predict the outcome of our actions to prevent danger or to acquire something that will be convenient to our interests. you see where I'm going with this?
Now, that we established how well endowed we are with those awesome faculties. I'll invite you to think, What would you do if there wasn't a God to go to when you're in hardships, and you're struggling? What religious rites indicates for every good religious person is to pray, right? and, what do we do when we pray? I want you to dissect the moment when you pray, What do you do when you're going to pray? I'll tell you what I used to do. I used to take my mind out of the problem that I was having, I tried to focus to talk to God, and hoped to be listened. Sometimes "He" listened, sometimes "He" didn't, but in a mysterious way it got solved.
Now, I don't know what you do for a living, but I'm a Web & Software Developer, and When I'm writing a code and it fails to compile and run. I've to fix the code. And I will dissect the moment when I fix a code or properly speaking in Developer lingo "Debug;" I try to gather all the patience that I'm capable of, and start to analyze the code, step by step, until I find the error that keeps my program from running; and voila! Don't you do the same thing with your job? when you're installing a light switch? when you fix the lawnmower? when you separate your kids when they're punching each other? or when they're punching the neighbor's kids? When you're doing your taxes? I can keep going, but the thing is: you do the same thing when trying to solve a problem and I quote myself "I try to gather all the patience that I'm capable of, and start to analyze,... until I find the error" the same basic principle applies to those situations where we're not sure that we're going to solve them.
Religion is just a placebo that helps people to cope with things that we can't explain, because our emotions amplify our survival instinct so much that makes us forget our ability to analyze patterns, and solve problems. And that gives birth to Religion as a placebo. And we human beings tend to give up that amazing skill to an nonexistent higher power, and deliver the problem to this Nonexistent entity, and give to this entity our decision power to solve the problem that afflict us, just to hit the bricks. Instead of just patiently try to calm down and gather all the patience needed to try to understand the reason why we're having trouble to find a solution to our problems . There is no notion of "Good" or "Bad," what exists is The notion of "Being in control" or "Not being in control"When we feel that we have control over things, and situations; we define as "Good" and when we don't we define it as "Bad."
In short(so to speak) the answers are right there, you just have to be patient enough and have faith in your ability to reckon patterns by to analyze problems and you'll come up with solutions. and you know how that is called? that solving-problem process, pattern, algorithm or whatever you wanna call it? it's called Philosophy.