Still haven't figured out the reply thing so I I regresssss
Anyways, you pretty much agree with me on half of my argument. The worship thing and the feeling thing. I can agree with you on those.
I don't agree with you on the whole embracing the weirdness thing. It's weird enough that words control people, having invisible things control you is...weird
The problem is that people are JOINING religious groups. Oblivious to the fact that the only reward is self gratification that will eventually turn to radicalism. Which will eventually turn into regret, one way or another. Which is the exact opposite of Jesus himself, would EVER want. I can write the real New Testament in two sentences. Don't worship what everyone is telling you to worship for the sake of yourself. And sacrifice yourself for literally everyone, no matter how much it sucks for you. That is the story of Jesus, literally.
Maybe people should quit raping Christianity. Quit making things about nationalism, and power, and money. Things people defiled Christianity with as nothing but a RECRUITING center. No, religion now days is so corporatized, it pretty much proves how much Jesus failed while on this Earth. Now we have a billion people believing in something that their own religion failed them on. I'm sure that's going to end well.