How can we be sure that all religions are wrong?

Tue 3 Oct, 2017 01:26 pm
@cicerone imposter,
You're barking up the wrong tree. I worked with nukes in the USAF in the 1950s. I know more about nukes than you do.

But you know nothing about religion.
cicerone imposter
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 01:39 pm
Yes, I do know about religions. They are all man-made concepts creating thousands of gods without providing one iota of evidence. They are all based on faith, and christians make up the largest group with 33%. The followers of christianity is based on a book written my many men at different periods of time. The bible is replete with errors, omissions and contradictions. The biggest error is the age of our planet followed by the evolution of homo sapiens sapiens. We are not made in "god's image." We evolved from the primate family. http://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution

BTW, I grew up as a 7th Day Adventist. All my siblings are still christians, but I'm the only atheist. My wife is a Buddhist, and it's my humble opinion that Buddhism is a good religion because it teaches to improve the self, and not concerned with recruiting others to their religion. You never find buddhists on street corners or knocking on doors to convert people.
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 04:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Now I don't believe that you worked with nukes as a scientist but that you might has been a janitor with a temporary job.

Your answer reveals that you have a superficial view of what religion might be, but in order to know religion you must experience it. The only thing you are correct is that religions are based on faith.

Your position in reference to humans is irrelevant. You can't challenge the biblical narration of the creation of man with a fake theory of science.

You must bring here the whole process FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. This is to say, explain here with your own words, the process from a single cell up to a human.

You are jumping from the monkey to a human, and such is not accepted in order for you to compare your fake theory with the biblical narration.

cicerone imposter
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 04:19 pm
Your ability to arrive at conclusions is not only amazing, but ignorant-dumb-stupid. I worked with conventional weapons and nukes in the Air Force as my specialty with my AFSC of 46150. I lead a team working with "live" nukes, and knew all the safety features and how to ready the trigger for the bomb.
Title : Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 46130, 46150, 46170, and 46190.
Descriptive Note : Occupational survey rept. (Final),

Personal Author(s) : Jones,Thomas P
PDF Url : ADA044179
Report Date : 29 Jul 1977

Pagination or Media Count : 59

Abstract : This is a report of occupational survey of the Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder, (AFSC's 46130, 46150, 46170 and 46190), conducted by the Occupational Survey Branch, USAF Occupational Measurement Center. The report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; (2) summaries of tasks performed by airmen grouped by skill level, experience level, and similarity of tasks performed; (3) comparisons with current career field structure and training documents; and (4) conclusions. (Author)


Subject Categories : Humanities and History
Ammunition and Explosives

Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE
reasoning logic
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:06 pm
You can be completely sure a religion is wrong when it allows this to happen without speaking out. People are being beaten for voting. This is not the behavior of all psychopaths but rather the behavior of police who have a cluster b disorders. Corporatocracys prefer cluster b's to be their police force.

Spain independence?

cicerone imposter
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:30 pm
@reasoning logic,
Sorry to see that. I have visited Barcelona twice, and enjoyed both visits. Nothing like the video shown here. Las Ramblas will forever be remembered for how it was during my visits.
reasoning logic
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 05:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It reminds me of taxation without fair representation.

0 Replies
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 06:07 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yes, I do know about religions. They are all man-made concepts creating thousands of gods without providing one iota of evidence. They are all based on faith, and christians make up the largest group with 33%. The followers of christianity is based on a book written my many men at different periods of time. The bible is replete with errors, omissions and contradictions. The biggest error is the age of our planet followed by the evolution of homo sapiens sapiens. We are not made in "god's image." We evolved from the primate family. http://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution

I am a Christian. My belief was based on faith until I did enough scientific research (anthropology, paleontology, physics, etc. . .) to reasonably prove to myself that Jesus Christ, along with God the Father and The Holy Spirit is the Intelligence behind all the order I am observing in the universe (as matter and space), and (in biology as the result of abiogenisis and biological evolution). I believe in a Big Bang, inflation Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, . . . and the Bible according to a traditional Catholic interpretation. I believe our planet is very old, but I also believe that science is really off on some of their aging. (I think that both the Earth and humans could have existed longer than they think.)

If I just used the bible to support my belief in God, it would be very shallow, and require a lot of faith. My faith is mostly based on science and reason. I think it is reasonable to say, "it takes a lot of faith to believe that purely random processors resulted in the Higgs Field, matter, abiogenisis and biological evolution." Especially since the only proof we have that random processes can result in such complexity is the fact that the complexity exists. Nobody (including you cicerone) can provide a model or any solid proof that random processes can provide the necessary complex information except to to say, "the complex information exists therefore random processes must have provided the complex information."

BTW, I grew up as a 7th Day Adventist. All my siblings are still christians, but I'm the only atheist. My wife is a Buddhist, and it's my humble opinion that Buddhism is a good religion because it teaches to improve the self, and not concerned with recruiting others to their religion. You never find buddhists on street corners or knocking on doors to convert people.

Therefore I take offense when you talk down to me and my fellow Christians as if we take everything on faith, and are unwilling to do the heavy work of understanding science. Are your siblings ignorant ritualistic believers in superstitions? Is that why they are Christians and, you aren't?

You keep posting links, and then ask us to have faith that they support ypour position, without giving us any explanation showing us that you understand how it supports your position. This continual lack of explanation is beginning to make me think you really don't understand your position and, are just holding that position on faith.

You seem to have lived a fairly successful life that required a level of high intelligence so, I am having a hard time reconciling your posts with your apparent intelligence.
cicerone imposter
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 06:33 pm
Talk down to you? ROTFLMAO
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 06:47 pm
The stoning wasn't an act of savages looking for revenge or similar, a court case was made and followed.

Sure it's appropriate to take a female who had sex out of turn and throw stones at her until she is killed. Sure it is. Nothing savage about that. After all, think of the consequences of not killing her with stones for having sex out of turn. My god!
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 10:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Title : Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder AFSCs 46130, 46150, 46170, and 46190.
Descriptive Note : Occupational survey rept. (Final),

Personal Author(s) : Jones,Thomas P
PDF Url : ADA044179
Report Date : 29 Jul 1977

Pagination or Media Count : 59

Abstract : This is a report of occupational survey of the Munitions Maintenance Career Ladder, (AFSC's 46130, 46150, 46170 and 46190), conducted by the Occupational Survey Branch, USAF Occupational Measurement Center. The report describes: (1) development and administration of the survey instrument; (2) summaries of tasks performed by airmen grouped by skill level, experience level, and similarity of tasks performed; (3) comparisons with current career field structure and training documents; and (4) conclusions. (Author)


Subject Categories : Humanities and History
Ammunition and Explosives

Distribution Statement : APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE

I don't see anything related to nukes. Cleaning weapons is not the same as working with radioactive isotopes.

Here is something amazing that is similar to your case.

The directors of the Manhattan project kicked out the ass of Einstein from the project, because his "knowledge" was tested with a problem to be solved, a request made by Dr. Frank Aydelotte, and this retarded "genius" failed. This is December 1941.

Vannevar Bush was the intermediary, and he gave excellent references of Einstein, saying that the "genius" was very interested in solving the problems arisen with isotopes, and that he was going to work hard and that the solution will be given in a couple days. He even communicated that the "genius" was glad to do anything which might be useful in the project.

After Einstein finished his "solution", the formulas were sent to Dr. Harold Urey, who was the head of the gaseous diffusion project, and over there both -Urey and Bush- discussed the received solution.

The "solutions" of your "genius" were crap to the square and Einstein was fired right away. The cover up, in order to protect the fame of the retarded "genius" was that he didn't provide enough "details", and surprisingly there was no time available for waiting for a more detailed solution from his part. Lol.

Then, the retarded "genius" voluntarily applied for a job with conventional weapons, similar to your work in those times. And this is weird when some loonies affirm that this dude was a "pacifist". Sure, a pacifist looking for jobs to make weapons... pacifist... sure, right.

In 1943, he got a job with the navy. The retarded had three titles, like Scientist, Technicist and Consultant. Of course, because his former failure and exposing as an idiot, at this time, he had the "privilege" to bring his works to Princeton and continue over there for some time and come back to DC.

Of course, his travelings to Princeton were to have assistance from other real scientists because otherwise he should have been making more stupidities as he did with his former deluded formulas.

Funny thing is that when working for the navy he made a project of his own. It was a scared weapon, that should produce a dangerous effect when triggered with a "convergent detonation wave" which was molded by the combination of two explosives having each one of them a different propagation velocity.

Wow! Perhaps you heard of such a weapon of Einstein when you were working at the... oh, I forgot, you weren't in the navy, you were Air Force.

Well, the point is that this extraordinary weapon -printed in paper with formulas, equations, diagrams, etc- was sent to Indian Head in Maryland, with the stamp of "high priority".

Ufff, serious business here. Then, the blueprints were sent to Pittsburgh in order to finally make it in 3D.

Over there, the experts in the field said, "no way Jose, this is crap to the square", and the project passed from top priority to the bottom, even under the trail that hold the whole projects... even lower, on the floor under the desk... even more lower... moved with a broom out of the room to the dump area down the hill.

Well, you and Einstein were working for the country, both of you almost shared the same careers when working with conventional weapons.

As far as I can see, from both of you, you were the one who were successful.

My congratulations, glad to know that you enjoyed the privilege to work for the country, your service will be always that grain of sand which contributed for the victory in WW2.

Seriously, thank you for sharing what you were in the Air Force.

My respect to your service... but this won't mean for me to stop calling you "ignorant" when your messages carry silly commentaries. OK?
0 Replies
Tue 3 Oct, 2017 11:01 pm
Sure it's appropriate to take a female who had sex out of turn and throw stones at her until she is killed. Sure it is. Nothing savage about that. After all, think of the consequences of not killing her with stones for having sex out of turn. My god!

Oh no, I can't overpass your commentary.

So, the woman cheats on the husband, and after the divorce, the judge mandates the husband to pay child support and allows the woman to keep the children, to live in the house, to live her life, this is to say, she can bring to the house to her lovers and continue her life as an "independent woman".

And according to the judge, the best for the children is to stay with the bitch. Lol.

Look, the justice of God is much better.

When there is a marriage, there is a "contract".

In any contract, the part that fails, is the part that loses, and in many cases loses everything.

This is justice: The woman breaks the covenant, then she must pay for her action. No rewards of any kind. The husband, who was faithful to the covenant must have the privilege to decide how to distribute the children and the goods. The woman, as a covenant breaker must accept what the victim decides.

In biblical times, the justice of God was better applied: the wife broke the covenant and cheated on the husband? then, kill that bitch.

Problem solved.
Wed 4 Oct, 2017 07:58 am
And according to the judge, the best for the children is to stay with the bitch. Lol.

Well then, the judge--not the woman--is the one fit to be stoned. So what is your rationale for settling on the woman? That was a rhetorical question, as the answer is obvious.
When there is a marriage, there is a "contract".

In biblical times, the justice of God was better applied: the wife broke the covenant and cheated on the husband? then, kill that bitch.

Okay, so if you and I have a contract stipulating that you do something for me, and you fail to do so, then you should die. Yes, I see your point.
cicerone imposter
Wed 4 Oct, 2017 09:30 am
See how the Bible is out of date and dangerous?
Wed 4 Oct, 2017 11:10 am
@cicerone imposter,
Yup. And it would appear that the depictions of savage cruelty found within the text certainly appeals to the more sadistic among us.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Oct, 2017 12:29 pm
Well then, the judge--not the woman--is the one fit to be stoned. So what is your rationale for settling on the woman? That was a rhetorical question, as the answer is obvious.

You forgot in purpose what I wrote before, that justice today when there is a cheater wife, is recommended that the husband decides who take the children the house and all the goods.

Not the judge as an independent ruler, not the attorneys but the husband, who is the victim and the other party of the contract.

By no means the cheater wife should be rewarded. Hell with that.

Okay, so if you and I have a contract stipulating that you do something for me, and you fail to do so, then you should die. Yes, I see your point.

That is what you like, eh? giving your point of view based on the ridiculous.

We are talking about marriage, which is a contract.

A contract for a person making repairs in your house is not a marriage contract... so don't be so stu.....d.

A marriage contract is about a man and a woman getting together as "one", a family, and God honors that union.

God, the judge, won't allow to any one of the parties to break the contract of marriage without receiving a punishment.

Sooner or later, in this life of later, the sinner will pay for the wrongdoings.

In ancient Israel, the punishment to the cheater wife was the death penalty, which was a method to avoid the plague of other women trying to do the same, as today it happens in the modern world.

For this reason, if you want to be "independent" your entire life, you better never get married, just find a lover here and there, have your children by your own and don't collect any child support, be by yourself with your child and live happy.

But, if you are thinking to be "independent" for life and get married, knowing that your position will cause conflict with your husband, then your intentions are evil, you do want to make the life of others like hell.

Marriage is not 50/50 or "equality" and sh*t like that.

Always one must be the leader. And when is about people who believe in God, the leadership corresponds to the man.

For men and women who don't believe in God, do as you please, who cares?

Just don't mess with people who believe and obey God, don't criticize their way of taking action when the woman cheats on the husband. Such is not your business because you are different, you really don't care, you want to play "the woman's rights defender", ignoring that if that woman, who believes in God, she knew that by marrying the man, she was signing a contract where she will subdue herself to the leadership of the husband.

The same as well, the man signed to love and take care of the woman, and not to be an abuser but take the lead with responsibility.

You don't understand of these principles, because you might be out of the faith found in the bible. So, if you don't understand it, what is your point of discussing something that you ignore?

Wed 4 Oct, 2017 02:23 pm
That is what you like, eh? giving your point of view based on the ridiculous.

You are the one who said that in biblical times, the justice of God was better applied: the wife broke the covenant and cheated on the husband? then, kill that bitch.

It sure sounds to me like you are advocating the stoning of a woman for the act of having sex. That is ridiculous.
Wed 4 Oct, 2017 06:05 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Talk down to you? ROTFLMAO
Me and others.

Your ability to arrive at conclusions is not only amazing, but ignorant-dumb-stupid. I worked with conventional weapons and nukes in the Air Force as my specialty with my AFSC of 46150. I lead a team working with "live" nukes, and knew all the safety features and how to ready the trigger for the bomb
Yes, I do know about religions. They are all man-made concepts creating thousands of gods without providing one iota of evidence. They are all based on faith, and christians make up the largest group with 33%.
You're barking up the wrong tree. I worked with nukes in the USAF in the 1950s. I know more about nukes than you do.
You like to throw out one liners that seem to provide evidence that you are smarter than everyone else, (especially Christians) or links proving that you are smarter than everyone else but, you don't explain how these links and posts support your point of view.
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Wed 4 Oct, 2017 06:17 pm
Just don't mess with people who believe and obey God,

0 Replies
Wed 4 Oct, 2017 06:44 pm
It sure sounds to me like you are advocating the stoning of a woman for the act of having sex. That is ridiculous.

Because she is not any woman, she is a married woman.

If you want to open your legs to whoever man crosses in front of you, yes, you can do that. But, if you are a married woman that is called "adultery".

Got it?

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