This can become a GREAT thread if people shared stories. I'll toss in one. Lets just say its a hypothetical, eh? :wink:
I'll keep it short and sweet:
I met my girlfriend at a job I had a few years back. Everything was great. Eventually I find out that my boss is cheating on his wife with a a coworker of mine. Not my business, so I left it alone.
Although, it DID bother me when his wife would come to the job, and the mistress would have no problems engaging in nice conversations with her. All the other workers knew it too, and seeing our bosses f*ck buddy so comfortable with the woman who's husband she was sleeping with was just king of skeevy. (The wife had no idea the affair was going on, btw).
So, eventually I decided I wanted to move on with my life and work somewhere else. I told the boss, and he was kind of pissed, since he had big plans for me in the business. We had become pretty cool with one another, but I had to take care of my own life.
Here comes the f*cked up part:
After I leave, this prick takes my girlfriend out to lunch (no big deal), then proceeds to say all kinds of crap about me, how I'm not right for her, how she could do better with someone else and (this is the clincher) how she should meet with one of his friends, who he thinks would be perfect for her!
Of course, she immediately tells me what he did and I flip my lid. But as the saying says "Revenge is a dish best served cold", I patiently wait a good amount of time (enough), do a little research to see if he's still cheating on his wife, turns out he was. I find his home address, have a dozen roses sent to the house with a note asking forgiveness and promising a change of behavior...only the woman its labeled for is the mistress.
Long story short, she divorced him and took him to the cleaners financially.
He shouldn't have been cheating in the first place...