MattDavis wrote:
Thanks Thack. I will take a closer look (at the wheel and hub) when I help with replacing the shocks/struts in the near future.
I will take the BMW suggestion under advisement.
I suspect that may be out of the financial realm of possibility at the moment.
I was kidding about the BMW... sort of. I'm sure the Jetta is a fine car, but I guarantee the handling of a 3-series is much more enjoyable. A good to great e36 should run between $3000 to $7000, with the M3's commanding a couple grand more. Parts are cheap and plentiful, and the M50 engine is one of the best BMW produced.
FWIW, the "CW" about major costs for a BMW are mainly perpetuated by the status seekers who pay the premium new car price and take it to the dealer for service. And their whining about it is really just another means of showing off their debt. Enthusiasts rely on these types though to bring the car down to an affordable level. My car was fully optioned and cost nearly 60G new, lol.
MattDavis wrote:

Thanks Roger, I might try that.
We plan on doing the rears.
I don't remember why, but rear suspension work is always "easier" than the front. BTW, if your mechanic is afraid to do something and/or doesn't have the tools, it's time for a new mechanic.
MattDavis wrote:
Quote:Indeed, about 60% of all VW's are produced in foreign countries.
Thanks Walter, but where are they designed?
My vendetta is directed at said
engineers and the 2 additional minutes of inconvenience which they have caused me!!!
Yes, my dad worked at the Honda plant here in Ohio, so we always had them. But aside from any not so slick PR tactics, nobody would ever call a Honda an American car.