Hello all, yes there are a few chondrites, more Carbonaceous (urelite)kind, or better carbon rich. The urelites have still a not known origin, science is pointing, to supernovas, carboncloudes, they hold amino acides, building blocks of life, stardust which is in anything we know, nanos, water, heavy metals e.t.c.
Working years with this matter, the supernova origin theorie, is also for me the best. Supernovas you just get only from a supersun (min 7times bigger than our sun) the implosion and explosion of this star. This exploding star, is throwing all his rest matter, back into space. One of the first 2 element reborn after this, event, are carbon after all the heavy stuff. So this explosion rays, are shooting in all kind of directions. So it is just normal to think, that this ray is a kind of (re)factory production line, where all matter is recycled and is getting a new jump start. The sun over is lifetime been bombarded, with whatever came to close to gravity, so each supernovas production line, should be different. My personal theorie is, that everything been created, at the same moment, but not the same time in space.
Now this explosion ray, is travelling fast in our direction, been maybe deflected from other objects, over time. Of course could this matter be contaminated, with everthing in it way. The closest and last hit, been probably the white moon highlands (feldspar), before landing and resting with us. The Stardust meteorite is made only out of diamond crystalls, which are the rarest, followed my carbon subclasses (no melt), carbon impactmelt ( like moonrocks). The diamond are not black, more darkgreen, or darkred, in lightreflect. Never this kind of matter been found as meteorite. This might give you a small idea, what is still to come and only a scretch on the surface. I choose this way, that min a few people getting knowledge about it.