Meteorite news and theories of origin after discovery.

Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 09:47 am
Hello all, i made over the last years discovery(s), related with an ,,ancient meteorite field find,, and recovery of a new kind of space-matter.
I would like to share infos and fantastic theories, which are at the end more real than ever. I am ,,,,,,,,able?know,,,,,,, so do you. Anyone interested, in meteorites? Thanks. Met2f4you
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 11:56 am
All of us
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Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 12:41 pm
Im interested. Are there any chondrites among em?

Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 08:17 am
Hello all, yes there are a few chondrites, more Carbonaceous (urelite)kind, or better carbon rich. The urelites have still a not known origin, science is pointing, to supernovas, carboncloudes, they hold amino acides, building blocks of life, stardust which is in anything we know, nanos, water, heavy metals e.t.c.
Working years with this matter, the supernova origin theorie, is also for me the best. Supernovas you just get only from a supersun (min 7times bigger than our sun) the implosion and explosion of this star. This exploding star, is throwing all his rest matter, back into space. One of the first 2 element reborn after this, event, are carbon after all the heavy stuff. So this explosion rays, are shooting in all kind of directions. So it is just normal to think, that this ray is a kind of (re)factory production line, where all matter is recycled and is getting a new jump start. The sun over is lifetime been bombarded, with whatever came to close to gravity, so each supernovas production line, should be different. My personal theorie is, that everything been created, at the same moment, but not the same time in space.
Now this explosion ray, is travelling fast in our direction, been maybe deflected from other objects, over time. Of course could this matter be contaminated, with everthing in it way. The closest and last hit, been probably the white moon highlands (feldspar), before landing and resting with us. The Stardust meteorite is made only out of diamond crystalls, which are the rarest, followed my carbon subclasses (no melt), carbon impactmelt ( like moonrocks). The diamond are not black, more darkgreen, or darkred, in lightreflect. Never this kind of matter been found as meteorite. This might give you a small idea, what is still to come and only a scretch on the surface. I choose this way, that min a few people getting knowledge about it.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 09:03 am
do you do hin sectioning at 30 micron slabs to look at the species of feldspars (Na/K/Ca/Mg). My interest is urely mineralogical rather than origins. (I let the wide field guys give me that information). I am interested in pyroxene pallasites and Eagle Station pallasites as mineralogical variants
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 09:13 am
Do you have any photo's you can post for us?
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 11:10 am
With the white feldspars-carbon melt, little work been done, cutten polished faces only, light-blue-grey matrix with presents of Stardust fragments. Different grades of melt and recystallisation. A part of nwa2727(moonrock)has , the same crystallisation, the black crystalline in mine, is stardust.(magnetic att). I do work on it, my science contact is poor, therfore i will be happy for any help, with this exotic matter. I try to post images, from this melt.
Xray compound analyses, from different (crystalline) carbon specimen, been made.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 11:28 am
I tried doing a thin section on a pallasite in order to determine the makeup of the plagioclase feldspar (I never got much out of it becuase the grains were waay too stressed from some secodary energy (I gues a trip through space and a fiery entry does leave a foot print on the mineralogy)
Sre you aware ofa ny sources on optical determinations of meteorite makeups on stuff like pallasites? The labs I use for my work do provide us with really good Energy DIspersive Xray on Fe/Ni/trace metals
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 12:52 pm
I thought right a way, thin section of pallasit, hm difficult task, exact for the reason you mentioned. We do not know what deepspace rocks been going through, how many times they had contact, with other objects. Most of my meteorites are shocked, these are not, from a unique earth impact. I mean you can read a spacerock, like a book, just with visible inspections. I have one high nickel carbon class, the nickel had formed triangels(4cm a side) , the funny part is that they are armoured(3mm thick)like chondrules. Size of a briefcase, min 300pound, totaly stable, probably something between iron, pallasit. I do offer only complet meteorites, with lifetime buyback garantie, if not damaged and if possible a slice or image from a specimen in the same familie. Having problem with my profil update, so it might take a while before sending images.
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Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 12:22 pm
Hello, here are pics, 3 different same matrix and the NWA2727, which has partly the same crystallisation, of feldspart (in the NWA the white lines are cms long), as my carboncrystalline-feldsp. melt. The round magnets are 10mm diameter. Did anyone ever sah something like it ? The black in the white matrix are ,,Carbonado framents,, Due to location(wet,dry), the grade of weathering can be very differnt. Hope you can see the light blue cutten matrix shade. All the best
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 02:02 pm
Those "my feldspars" are fantastic!!. Do you know what kind of feldspars they are? I was gonna say ALbite cause they dont have a real iridescence like Ca/Mg plagioclase feldspars.

A thin section of a really small section would be very marketeable I think. (Im not aware of how the meteorite market treats samples that have been subsampled by slicing).

Do you sell meteorites ?

Im working with a useum with a large meteorite collection but theirs are mostly stonies and iron nickels carbonaceous chondrites etc. They have lots and lots of samples that have been etched to show Widdmenstatten figures but no really great samples that can be observed and that could be subsampled for thin sectioning .

Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 04:55 pm
Hello, the feldspars melt, are impact products, from ,,Carbonado Meteorites,,(black diamonds) collison, with a bigger object, before landing on earth. My first suspect is of course the moon(far side highlands), due to the deepspace origin of the diamond meteorites, it could be also an other object. I do sell meteorites, which are all recovered from the same location. It is a big picture and probably at first, not easy to understand.
You see i give lifetime buy back garantie, for complet uncut meteorites, so not all specimens, are lost. This is all on a privat base,for now. I could provide you with new kind of meteorites(s), or sampels. Most of them are extremly oriented, high melt, low angel impact. Nearly like the Hoba, with 60 T, he skipped (once) the earthsurface, before his final destination, therfore he is not deep impacted. I will show you other specimens, with time,
Very kind regards to you and all.
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 08:47 pm
Hello, here some more pics, from stardust (s) .

Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 05:15 am
What am I looking at exactly? I don't get it. Are these meteorites, or earth materials associated with an impact?
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 07:05 am
They are all meteorites, you ever heard about Carbonado Diamonds, found in Africa and Brasil, those are scientific spaceorigin proven since 2010. Their theorie of origin is a supernova, carbon cloud e.t.c, the last one might have not enough energie. As impactmelts, which none are originated on earth. The looked in crystal fragments, ,even very bad treated,, have always the same interlocking microstructure, as the carbonado diamonds. You might not find images (of the real microstructur) on the web, there is only text,why? Dont tell me i am the first one, pinpointing this out, am i? and it does not matter. I show you new stuff and any one can contest my claims. Thanks
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Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 08:01 am
we look for lonsdaleite as a determinant for meteorite sourced larger diamonds from Brazil or S Africa. The "nano diamonmds" that the other thread was talking about, was merely a deception to try to get us to believe that a meteorite impacted the New Madrid.

Met24you seems like a dealer in meteorites. Im not sure of market prices now but I had a valuation done of our museum meteorite collection and I got 2 dealers and a couple of university and museum planetarium directors and they all agreed that prices for meteorite samples has been depressed for the last few years. It used to be very hot. Im more interested in the chemistry and mineralogy and dont know squat about sources(Thats a field in itself , I know one guy down in S Fla and another Emeritus at U of Del , both of whom have made scientific studies of meteorites / tektites etc). Its a limited use in geology except for massive ore sources like Sudbury or Vredevoort.
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 11:51 am
littel sale, is only for the moment, i need them for a bigger project. Yes there is a lot going on, with meteorites. Sampels, no cost for your research, the complet crystalls are limitet and more shocked, fragments, due to impact. The singel diamonds composition test are done, (xRay)i can give it to you with the sampels. They more or less the same composition as, the ,,real,,,,Carbonados(they are a billion years on the planet?,right),, and density range, too. I have different specimens, each one is unique, low magnetic, to high, you would not see a difference from the outside. Only one specimen, is enough weathered, multible freeze, to let go from the matrix. There are other ways, i know. Tell me what you need.
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Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 11:57 am
Wait a minute . . . a thread about meteors, with no conspiracy theories, no religious component, no distortions of history or evidence . . . say it ain't so!

Isn't this a violation of the TOS.
Reply Tue 12 Mar, 2013 12:25 pm
ALL things are possible my son.
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