Fri 22 Feb, 2013 12:52 pm
There is no true identity for man without religion. Actually, what is identity? All the things humans attach themselves to such as nation, country or tribe etc.., are all superficial. True identity lies in the deep connections and attachments. We all know that those attachments are shallow and there is a deeper one. We know that the nation or family name doesn't change much. If we were in a different country we would still be us, and if our name or family name is different nothing real has changed. A person his name is John for example, can't he be Richard, George or Omar? It's only a change of letters and their arrangement. Those are the information in your Identity Card. Nothing in your ID card can determine your identity more than religion, because it is a connection with the deep and constant, at least you view it this way.
Thus, lack of religion makes a person lacks true identity, except those attachments which aren't deep and not specific to the individual himself, (you know things from their relationship with yourself, and you know yourself from your relationship with God).
That's why who strictly adheres to those shallow attachments is called a fanatic. Extreme attachment to a nation is called chauvinism or Nazism, extreme loyalty to skin color and race is called racism, and extreme attachment to a certain sect is called sectarianism. All those images are ugly and despised, and all can be destroyed by logic and doesn't stand up for criticism. There is no real difference between being an Asian, European or African, being black or white, and being German, French, Indian or Chinese.
What is the difference that can really differentiate? Nothing can clearly differentiate more than religion. The choice between good and evil is the clear difference, this choice is the true identity. Who has lost his religion has lost his identity. There is no real value for the ID card except where it's needed, it's more valuable to the government employee than it is for its owner.
One of the signs of the superficiality of the common identity attachments is that they attach to the close blood relationship, the new nation or new home country. There is no value for the old home or the old blood relationship, this is a proof of superficiality.
Atheism is a true lie. Even the atheist deep down is attached to his old religion. Israel is an evidence for that, it's a secular government and many of its leaders are atheists, and yet they came to serve what they call a national project, while it's a religious one.
Emmanuel Kant assures that identity is built on the basis of our relationship with others. But he didn't clarify its mechanism. Religion, however, organizes one's relationship with others, which means that religion is the basis of identity not others.
Identity is the answer to the deep question: who am I and why do I exist? When one says: I'm a slave to God for the rest of my life, here identity is accomplished. True identity is found in slavery to God, it can't be changed by the change of one's home country or any other attachment, because it's deeper than all of them. One's home might change, so is one's language and customs, but religion doesn't change except by free choice. All the other information required for identity are unnecessary, thus identity is reached when slavery to God is reached, {I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me} the Quran. All other identities had been acquired through culture, and true identity is discovered by an internal motivation and from what one has consciously chose from his/her religion, not from all one knew about religion without choice. True identity isn't reached by an outer pressure or an external motivation, the person has searched and found that s/he is a slave to God. Here one has stopped and became a person with identity.
War I predict you will get just a lot of static, that is if we find many willing to plod through your otherwise excellent OP
Warraq wrote:There is no true identity for man without religion.
Talk about question begging!
"There is no true identity for man without religion."
Quote:Talk about question begging!
Sorry War but I have to agree with Blue
what can b real so constant is exclusively what is independant
wat is independant is what is its own source
wat is its own source is what is free from all and else concept
wat is free from else concept is what is true
this is the only to get to ur true identity speakin of truth
All religions have been deceived and blinded by an illusion. A veil has been pulled over our eyes. Our true identity is hidden within this veil/illusion.
You're right that there is no difference in people as we were all created equal. To be humble is not only to know you're no better than others but also that others are no better than you. Don't idolize or exalt any man.
The choice of good and evil is an illusion created. The knowledge of this good and evil cast us into darkness. Forever gaining knowledge to the point and past the point of seeing good as evil and evil as good. Never coming to the knowledge of truth. Does God lie? He said we shall surely die with this knowledge. Does satin lie? He said we will not die but become as gods with this knowledge. This knowledge is the veil/illusion that has blinded us from truth. We are dead. We cannot see our true identity.
All that is hidden will be brought to light. When we loose ourselves, we will find our self.
if u must respect another then for sure u r not equal
if u were equal then u r one so there is only one life the livin u r accordin to ur environment and geographical space
it is amazin how far u reject any truth u know or objective perspective u had
u know that persons are of what they realized alone, what u do by being conscious while for u noone is around is always related to urself being value while in truth this is always confirmed by giving the conscious a sense of being truly a source free and an objective positive field
u believe being created that is why for ur mind u cant b but the same then anyother human or conscious
but if existence is true then any is of its own value and difference of any other existence which is necessarily else
if existence is true then reality are accordin to true existence levels and positive values end
Ancient writings say there will be no respect of men.
With every end there's a new beginning.
Amazing, isn't it?
Looking4Truth wrote:
Ancient writings say there will be no respect of men.
With every end there's a new beginning.
Amazing, isn't it?
no it is a true end, there is no respect at all, so expect worse real end
Some will embrace truth and others will flee. When the light comes, let the darkness flee from you instead of fleeing with darkness. What will become of you? The symbolic flame or smoke of the flame? The flame is the light which will forever shine. The smoke will forever rise into outer darkness.
u r so cheap head, keep meanin business with ends as if it is ur life there
how dare u attack my individual integrity and rights that has nothing to do with anything at all
u will see u and ur images of smokes and fires where u gonna end, no image at all
stupid, truth is the end and the beginning always the reason of anything
as if ur god and ur darkness can do anything piece of hypocrit but beggin from a human head everything possible to claim knowin
hey im absolutely right always while i have nothing to do with absolute nor all rights
infinite superiority is the only source of objective existence and livin realities
keep betin on ur god for ur ass, with him sure he would fancy on keepin exploitin and abusin myself and freedom value as far as he can since obviously he takes everything from his slaves
u dont dare tell me piece of freak my situation, the end is the end freak head
my end is to nothing at all and this is my right to end in truth out of ur disgustin hands
I wasn't meaning my words to you personally and didn't mean to offend. All I'm saying is that all things hidden will be brought to light. Speaking metaphorically, when the light comes, it will be the broad path to flee. The narrow path will be to stay and embrace the wrath of truth. Darkness is within man. We follow our own steps and are lost. When the light comes, darkness will flee. The will of men won't be free until we make our choice when the time comes. To flee or stay. To fear or embrace. To be or not. The end will be a new beginning if you decide to stay. To end or begin? The choice is yours.
I know and despise my faults. I despise all evil. We were all born into evil. When righteousness comes I will embrace it and let evil flee from me. I do not choose evil.
What do you claim of yourself? Do you believe that you were born without sin or fault? Do you believe you have no darkness in you? Do you not believe that righteousness will come and do away with sin? Do you love this world and mankind the way it is? Are you not confused? Do you have the answers?
I don't have the answers. I love not this world. The fear of God keeps me from doing what I think is wrong. I don't see truth. I am blind. I am dead. I will embrace God's wrath. I want to see. I want life. I want God. God is love. I don't claim to know love. I want love.
hypocrit it is clear how u know very well what u r doing and for
again, u r not getting any of ur expectations, go to hell u and ur **** god
Imans is here . . . this thread is f*cked.
I don't have expectations I have hope for a new beginning. What exactly did i say to be accused of a hypocrite?
I would like to know where you stand. Do you claim this world as it is as a world you love? Do you claim to know truth? Do you claim to know love? Do you claim to see?
Looking4Truth wrote:
I don't have expectations I have hope for a new beginning. What exactly did i say to be accused of a hypocrite?
I would like to know where you stand. Do you claim this world as it is as a world you love? Do you claim to know truth? Do you claim to know love? Do you claim to see?
u call that standing ??/ know wat?? u dont see??? u will stand a lot in hell of nonsense like u seem to love then mayb u will get to know god love if u move ur ass enough for
abruti as if u can play with words as u want, hey missy the shortest sentence of u is nothing but u alone, so either u start writin only about urself or u gonna b forced to by words themselves got it??? dont dare go around people as puppets to ur nonsense market, put ur love knowledge in ur ass how dare u force others to ur religion, and u will b forced to see that others talk is to what has nothing to do with everything or anything while all to them
they will eat u alive one day sooner then u think
disgusting how they force people to look created and them knowin the condition all to show off up, **** u
...if anything this world is about a permanent enforcing of stuff upon reason is convinced or not, there shall be Forces ! ahahahah
Why so angry and judgmental? Oh, sorry, you don't like people questioning you. I will accept questions asked to me. When one questions another it's because one doesn't understand the other and would like to.
To your first three questions; I don't claim to stand. I don't claim to know. I don't claim to see.
To your accusations of me; I don't force others. I share my thoughts. I don't claim to have knowledge of love. I don't believe religions. Religions have created separation. I believe God. I don't know religion.
When I asked where do you stand, I was only looking for your perspective. Where are you coming from? In other words, what do you mean? I don't blame any one for what they think or know or think they know. I just want to know your insight. What are your thoughts of reality and what led you to those beliefs? In your opinion, was this reality created? Are we created beings? Where did we come from? Where are we going? We constantly change. What are we changing into? Is the change for any reason? Is there any reason for anything at all? What are your thoughts?
Btw no offense. None taken? Wishful thinking on my part
o so u have personnal relation with god and dont think knowin anything nor forcin others to look like **** class while u inventin that view??
put ur god and ur relation with in ur ass, who mentionned religions here as if claimin being not religious is advocatin smthg right, on the contrary religions are bad only bc they lead people to pretend knowin the source so even less then what u end claimin with ur direct relation to god
religions are bad equally for what they force the concept of one god existence wether as a creator or as being
so freak happy with any illusion of being sponsored by powers to fart everywhere abondantly all kind of cheapest means inventions in lies life
and when u dont stand then how do u know that others could stand ??? and how it is a question when u dont have any reality with nor relation to ??
showin how u exclusively mean to talk nonsense all for lies and inn