Quote:….. understanding math and science, intuition is worse than useless.
It's generally acknowledged, as I might have remarked above, that Intuition helped Einstein formulate his Relativity. I myself am an erstwhile inventor, depended heavily on Intuition. Always remember the general principle Max, nothing is entirely anything…...
Quote:Your intuition is wrong.
Could well be
Quote:It is frustrating…...this simple math question…….still isn't resolved………. answer is Yes. An object can be …..accelerating and not yet not moving.
Yea Max but you're again emphazing the mathematical aspect of the situation, but God doesn't care about math, a purely humanoid invention
Of course so is Intuition. Still it insists, at the top of its trajectory for an instant of zero duration (whatever that means) the ball is experiencing no acceleration
Quote:Can we move on now?
You may be excused, Max, with however many thanks for your participation