blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Worrying about cancer or WWIII is completely ridiculous. worrying about what might happen if I punch that big redneck who makes three of me in the face just because he's an asshole makes me walk away intact. as in all things...context
Most people's worries are irrational like having fears of ear wigs ((me raising my hand on that fear)). Who said that most people were completely rational?!
And no, worrying about cancer if you worked at the Chernobyl site, postevent, isn't ridiculous. Workers working at that particular infamous Japanese nuclear facility, posttsunami, their concerns aren't ridiculous.
Some worries aren't completely useless. A police officer worrying about approaching a possible violent hostage situation
ISN'T ridiculous for having these fears regarding the unpredictability of the upcoming situation. If he isn't worrying about the possible victims and their lives, he could make far greater mistakes then if he's not thinking about these things at all.
The problem with that dismissive pop psych sentiment BVT is that it oversimplifies and white washes over legitimate psych issues. It's too easy to spout out so called wise thoughts simply because they hold half truths. When applied erroneously to the wrong situations? That's when people get hurt or when people hurt others.