Fri 11 Jan, 2013 06:46 pm
Hey I Am Here To Ask A Question , Currently I Am 15 Years Old But I Am Mature Phisically And Mentally But I'm turning 16 February 13th And My Girlfriend Just Turned 20 Years Old , And We Have Reasons To Believe She Is Pregnate , Could She Get In Any Kind Of Trouble If My Mom Is Willing To Give Consent And Sign My Rights Over , This Is In The City Of Winston Salem , North Carolina And I Don't Want To Hear Any Kind Of Bullshit Preaching Sorry To Be Mean But I Just Want To Know My Answer , Thanks And Have A Blessed Day :-)
This may be a way to clear your girlfriend out of legal trouble if your parent is willing to sign off on a marriage when you turn 16.
By the way you are as stupid as most 15 years are to have enter into a relationship where you could be a father at least a decade ahead of any ability to be a father and my comments about a 20 female who would have such a father to her child I can not write on this website.
In any case I would see a lawyer at once with your mother.
Quote:Code Section 51-2, 51-2.1
Minimum Legal Age With Parental Consent Male: 16; Female: 16 (One or both parents' consent unless minor has certificate of emancipation)
Minimum Legal Age Without Parental Consent Male: 18; Female: 18
Comments Minors 14-15 may obtain license with court order in case of pregnancy or birth of child.
Note: State laws are constantly changing -- contact an attorney or conduct your own legal research to verify the state law(s) you are researching.
I have to say I totally agree with BillRM on this one. Didn't they teach you about conception in school?
And so it's the SCHOOL's responsiblity to teach this kid about unwanted pregnancy? How about the dizz he was borking? Or mommy dearest?
PUNKEY wrote:
And so it's the SCHOOL's responsiblity to teach this kid about unwanted pregnancy? How about the dizz he was borking? Or mommy dearest?
In a civilized society, schools do this.