Sat 5 Jan, 2013 02:44 pm
I am looking for the title of a movie, probably a war movie, probably made in the 1940's or 1950's, that has a scene in it. Either prisoners or
POW's are building a tower or similar structure in a harsh Siberia-like
environment. The cold and snow are taking their toll on the men, and when the tower is finished, a prison guard or prison commander asks which man
laid the last brick at the top of the tower.
For a bit there, it sounded like
The Bridge On the River Kwai ... but your details differ.
Other then POW's and 1950's film, there isn't anything the cries out for The Bridge On the River Kwai. The movie and river are in Thailand which doesn't share any Siberian geography or topology.
I'm was the OP that asked the question. I took a stab at what something that was in that general description. So many times the details are often a bit different than what the person asking about the movie originally was seeking. Perhaps this was/is the case?
Thank you for your response. Even though it is not the
movie, I appreciate your taking the time to respond
YVW. You've stumped me, clearly. Perhaps someone else can help you better. Good luck with your search.