so, about a year and a half ago, i went up north to help Tai Chi and my BIL move into the schoolhouse
on the ferry over i'm in the gift shop and i buy a comic book, this one
now i rarely buy single issue comics anymore, i wait for collected editions (i will buy the odd old comic at yard sales or used bookstores), and when purchasing this particular issue i had already accumulated two volumes collecting this titles run
i had no idea this was the last issue of this particular comic books incarnation and it sat on my shelf for a number of months, a while back i completed the collected editions of this particular series and was surprised to find that issue #26 wasn't included, the series ended with # 25, which was fine as the story went since it was the culmination of a story arc anyway
it's curious though, that issue #26 the final in the series (and a standalone story) wasn't included, and fortuitous that something (and really it was the cover and interior art work that grabbed me) made me purchase this single issue