Quote:sanewarne may have responded to me, but missed the point of my comment entirely.
Forgive me Margo but a quick scroll reveals no earlier posting that might explain this one
Thus for the benefit of the Average Clod (me) who might be unwilling or just not smart enough you might have included a little background, eg, "Concerning Freebie's response #…917 suggesting that the Saneware approach might have prevented my subsequent embarrassment, I was entirely misunderstood, for which I herewith apologize
"What I mean, was, that I had researched the question presented by Brikkie Foibles (username Gargarblink) in posting #….842 of the thread entitled, "Giving up the automatic editing cps" submitted several weeks ago but subsequently deleted owing to the suggestion that it was a commercial venture promoting my software, which was accused of contributing to the Thursday tieup
"….and which I herewith deny, so….
"I'm still thinking bot"
Exactly my thoughts.
Wow Set, how on earth……..