I've got it...Teblococa: a bad argument fuelled by way too much coffee.
How about, a "shortcut argument" in other words, an argument which looks good, but really isn't.
Shortcut argument is good, but we need a pretentious-sounding fake word for it....let's see...what if one is posting a "ciliconology?" Looks good, but really isn't.
You might call that a silicone argument, or a bolt-on argument.
i think he's feeling blickerish ... your blickerish style of arguing suggests you are fighting simply because you feel fighty, not because this argument is specifically objectionable.
How about a limbic argument. As if their argument is more of a reflex against the annoyance of the logic with which they are faced. Kind of like nimh's idea.
I just realized that I changed the spelling of silicone, but it makes it more fake, so what the heck. How about "armumentative" which could have a different meaning whether or not you are using the left or right arm to type with?
Yeh, SCoates has a good one too.
How about "Uber cliche" I just like the mixing languages.
We cannot say that Craven is arfickulate (i.e. articulate but prone to quick abandonment of his arguments). He is, however, frequently bomblastic, a quality akin to philiblustering (gee, I hope you're right on the spelling, BGW).
I'm prone to committing foobles; I wonder if Craven is.
I've never seen you commit a single fooble, jes. Your posts are always sheer perflexion (perfect even if. at times, a tad perplexing).
I like to blother at length, as you all know; blother, the noun, is - unlike blather or blither - supplemented with blotches of sheer brilliance that evanesce as the post is sent.
Shifficate-- to talk BS to such an extent that it begins to asphyxiate all others involved in a conversation.
Merry Andrew wrote:I've never seen you commit a single fooble, jes. Your posts are always sheer perflexion (perfect even if. at times, a tad perplexing).
Thank you. I think. Hmm.
And your posts are the quintessence of qualinomy - you can tell they're quality just due to the name on the post! :-D
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin crapono literally meaning "crap on us"
1 : containing or characterized by bullshit : MISTAKEN <crapponeous assumptions>
2 condition of being wrong, wrong, wrong dammit!
- crappo·ne·ous·ly adverb
- crappo·ne·ous·ness noun
Example: I found his explanation of the event somewhat crapponeous after reading a more realistic version of the topic in the newspaper the following day.
K e v i n: Just read your signature line! *LOL*
cavfancier wrote:Shortcut argument is good, but we need a pretentious-sounding fake word for it....let's see...what if one is posting a "ciliconology?" Looks good, but really isn't.

or one might refer to a 'siliclone'; where the whole damn thing is 'fake'!