I have a similar problem with my cell phone. It is a LG500 - no memory card, but supposedly has browser and email capabilities. I have yet to be able to get it to do anything other than connect to the vendor's website where they want me to purchase screen savers and ring tones.
I bought from Radio Shack a cable to connect my phone to my PC (Windows XP) but can't figure out how to get the PC to recognize the phone as a peripheal when it is plugged in. It isn't listed in Windows Explorer and none of the photo transfer software I use with my digital cameras is able to "acquire" it as a device.
Tried connecting to Gmail so I could try emailing the photos to myself but something fails there too.
It costs me $.50 airtime everytime I make a failed attempt to do any of this. I'm computer savvy and internet savvy, but I guess I'm a luddite when it comes to cell phone technology and being able to get the three to communicate with each other.