Hi, wubba. This painting is oddly memorable.
If I see anything like it, this one will come to mind.
I once had a rather lovely painting from my parents after they died. Just a painting of a house, but likable in itself and dear to me. I even know who the artist was.
One day decades later I decided to wash it, and sprinkled it on the porch with the hose. (I'm a painter, my oil painting can take being lightly wetted.) The whole thing cracked and fell off before my eyes. I felt terrible. I do have a photo of it, but that makes me feel worse now, hate my lack of brains that day.
The fellow who painted it was the guy who did the original US Army Air Force seal - my father knew him, and my father got one of the three casts, Gen. Hap Arnold one of the others. I know him from my father as Chip Wood, but I trust he was known formally as Charles Wood.
So - I am wondering if this painting you are asking about is from near that time - the forties? late thirties?
This is the painting I killed:
Nothing like your painting, but maybe yours is from a painter who didn't prime back in those years?