I don't think it's cursed, maybe a few boycotts, but it's not like the care takers had the intention to kill these animals. No animals died during filming which is arguably the most dangerous part, so I think PETA is trying to milk attention to themselves with the event. The article says it's the New Zealand's landscape, being that is is a volatile volcanic set of islands, abundant with geological faults such as bluffs and sink holes that led to the animals demise. I don't see anything in the article suggesting that the animals were mistreated. But I think all of this could have been avoided if the farm was inspected before the animals were put on it. If the animals were cooped up somewhere in order to be "protected" from these geographical faults for the entire movie (instead of allowing them to naturally graze), I guarantee that PETA and other animal rights activists would complain and take action against that, rightly so, I might add.