Hello Friends,
My advice is to use a Computer based email program unless you often bounce from one computer to the next in the course of your day. I also advise you still create a web based email account as a backup plan when you find yourself without your Mac or your email is not working for one reason or another. Side note: You often can use both web based and computer based email on the same email account, but for the sake of simplicity, I suggest you pick one route for its strengths and stick with it.
If you decided to go with Web based email, I suggest selecting from these three options:
1. Gmail (Google email) for integration with other Google services like Googles Docs.
2. Yahoo for integration with iPhone "push" email services.
3. Mac (Apple) email for intergration with the other .Mac services. Don't buy .Mac just for the email.
Best Regards,
Duncan Jones